February 10, 2021

Greg Smith, Manila Airport Director, addressed the Manila City Council at the February meeting on Monday night, presenting a $250,000 matching grant check from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics. The check is for reimbursement to the city for construction of the aprons to the new avionics business. He went on to say construction of the  new avionics business is receiving funding through the Mississippi Economic Development group...

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Greg Smith, Manila Airport Director, addressed the Manila City Council at the February meeting on Monday night, presenting a $250,000 matching grant check from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics.

The check is for reimbursement to the city for construction of the aprons to the new avionics business. He went on to say construction of the  new avionics business is receiving funding through the Mississippi Economic Development group.

“This project is 85 percent complete and the county Quorum Court has authorized an additional $75,000,” Smith said. “The original bid was very low and the additional funds will help with the completion of the office area.”

Smith said they have two additional matching grants from the state in the works — one for the maintenance hangar and one for the new fuel system giving the airport a total of $500,000 in improvements with the city having to pay only a small amount.

Council members expressed their appreciation to Smith for the work he does at the airport.

Council members present were Steve Milligan, Dale Murphy, Wendell Poteet, Jason Baltimore and Donnie Wagner.

Councilman Steve Milligan said he gets a lot of questions about the addition to the fire station and asked about a ‘game plan’.

Mayor Wayne Wagner said he and Fire Chief Brandon Bollinger and other firemen met with the engineers discussing plans for the fire station.

“If weather permits, concrete could be poured in April and the building is expected to go up quickly after that,” Mayor Wagner said.

The fire station addition will add four new bays along with other improvements to the existing structure.

Chief Bollinger and other members of the fire department were on hand to discuss the purchase of a new rescue truck.

Following the discussion, the council agreed to move forward allowing the mayor and fire chief to get the specs ready and advertise for bids.

The council then unanimously approved two ordinances. The first one, 2021-02, amended the 2020 budget to reflect the actual expenses and income for the year. The second one, 2021-03 approved the 2021 budget as presented.

The council then voted to allow the city government to destroy records from 2013. Two city council members will be present. Mayor Wagner informed the council they are working on combining the city’s code enforcement regulations to be included in one document.

“We can pass out the guidelines to our builders and make it easier on them and us,” Mayor Wagner said. “We will tabulate all of this and put it in one resolution. We should have it ready for review at the next meeting.”

The council went into executive session. Following the executive session, the council took no action.
