Blytheville celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day with its second annual car parade starting at the city’s historic Greyhound Bus Station and going through downtown Blytheville.
The parade personified King Jr.’s famous words, “Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that.”
The leading sign in the parade reinforced those words reading “ Together, we can drive out hate.”
Despite not having walkers in this year’s parade, the city was still able to celebrate Dr. King’s lasting legacy and unify the community with signs, flags and posters remembering his impact on our country.
In addition to the parade, the city also provided two showings of “Selma”, a movie detailing the trials and tribulations navigated by Dr. King on his quest to help secure equal voting rights for all Americans. The drive-in movie was hosted by the Ritz Civic Center and was free to the public.