Mississippi County Justice Michael White, the Finance Committee chair, along with committee members justices Neil Burge and Molly Jackson, met on Monday reviewing budget comparisons with preliminary figures for the 2021 proposed budget for five departments. Also present were Justices Rick Ash, Alvin Clay and Jo An Henton.
Justice White said it is a start on planning the 2021 budget as they reviewed one revenue printout budget worksheet from the Senior Citizen Centers and five expenditure printout budget worksheets, including the Prosecuting Attorney, Veterans Office, Circuit Judge, Cooperative Extension, and Senior Citizen Centers.
Finance Director Kelli Jones prepared the six column budget worksheets comparing expenditures from 12-31-2018 to 12-31-2019; actual 2020 dollars spent as of 8-31-20; 2020 budget revised numbers; 2021 request; and 2021 expenditures with raises.
A discussion was held on raises versus bonuses. Justice White said for the last few years they have given bonuses in lieu of raises. He said a couple of years ago, they were able to give a raise and a bonus but he does not think the county can afford both this year.
“The employees seem to like the bonuses but according to the JESUP (Job Evaluation and Salary Administration Program) report comparison, we are not quite as good in comparison as I had hoped,” Justice White said. “We did not give a raise last year and bonuses do not reflect in the JESUP report.”
He went on to say he asked Jones to add the amount with raises using $1,000 for full-time employees and $2,000 for elected officials. He said that would be an increase of about $250,000. Bonuses are a one-time dollar amount and salary raises increases taxes, retirement etc.
“These (raise figures) are for us to start the discussion with,” Justice White said. “I am not saying this is what we have to do.”
He said there would be very little difference in the amount of across the board raises or a three percent raise saying either would be fair.
“We started bonuses years ago when we couldn’t afford raises,” Justice White said. “There was a time when we couldn’t afford raises or bonuses. We slowly worked our way back up and were able to give a small bonus. Without giving raises, we will never move up.”
Justice Jackson said she would like to make sure they were comparing apples to apples.
“We pay 100 percent of the insurance for our employees and some other counties may not,” she said. “That is $1,000 a month.”
Justices asked to have an employee contact other counties to see how much they pay for insurance and what percentage the employee pays to try to get a comparison.
Justice White said the expenditures requests are close across the board. The Cooperative Extension expenditures did pick up due to rent as their building in Blytheville was torn down for the courthouse renovations. They are now located in Osceola with the FSA Office on Highway 140.
“I think it has been a good move for them,” White said.
A review of the Prosecuting Attorney expenditures had very little difference in their budget requests.
Justice White said Mississippi County is part of the 2nd Judicial Court system with 11 circuit judges, soon to be 12, with six counties and nine courthouses. The expenses are divided between the nine courthouses based on case loads. This is calculated through the Jonesboro office.
A review of the Senior Citizens’ budget requests were made. Jones said she had met with the director and she had asked for consideration for a new vehicle in the budget.
It was hard to compare this year’s expenses to what they will need next year since the Covid-19 had shut down the centers.
They are still delivering food to homes and working but the new transport van has not been utilized because so many seniors are not getting out for appointments. She said they love the van but Covid-19 is keeping people in.
Jones said the Senior Citizen director also asked if they have to have two audits from different agencies each year. If only one audit is necessary, that would be a savings. Jones said they would like to reinstate the position for a full-time janitor due to the Covid-19 requirements.
They did away with the full time janitor position when they could not meet the budget.
Jones also pointed out the Senior Center will have several part-time workers making minimum wage and their wages will go up with the minimum wage increase.
“They are willing to meet with you and discuss the budget,” Jones said.
Justice White asked all departments to get their proposed budgets in as quickly as possible so they can have it ready to act on in November. He said they will plan to meet next Monday at 1:30 p.m., depending on budgets turned in by Thursday.