September 23, 2020

Among the  business discussed at the Manila City Council September meeting included fire  station renovations,  a rescue truck,  upcoming events, change in  the payroll schedule, curfew, approved the purchase of a truck, and  passed an annexation Ordinance...

Among the  business discussed at the Manila City Council September meeting included fire  station renovations,  a rescue truck,  upcoming events, change in  the payroll schedule, curfew, approved the purchase of a truck, and  passed an annexation Ordinance.

The meeting was held at the Airport Community Center on Monday with all council members present.

Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner opened the meeting reading a millage rate Resolution which was approved unanimously.  Mayor Wagner explained the rate will remain the same at 5.0 mills with 4.6 mills for maintenance and .4 mills for fire pension. He explained the millage rate has to be approved each year.

Pastor Jeff Knowlton, representing the Manila Ministerial Alliance, spoke to the council about allowing the group to host a halloween/harvest carnival at the park from 1-4 p.m. on Oct. 31.

“There would be no charge to the children and there would be game booths and candy give-a-ways,” Knowton said. “Having it in the park we can distance and spread out. We do not want to do anything that is unsafe or without your support.”

The council had no objections to the afternoon carnival. It was also suggested the fire department and police department could be present to help with the candy give-a-way.

Mayor Wagner said he had talked to the Fire Chief Brandon Bollinger and members of the fire department about setting up a candy give-a-way downtown rather than having the kids go door to door on Halloween.

“Some people are concerned about the  door to door trick-or-treating this year,” Mayor Wagner said.

A discussion was then held if the city would or would not allow trick-or-treat this year.

“Some kids will go out regardless,” Councilman Wendell Poteet said.

Councilman Jason Baltimore said every year there are people who do not want to participate and turn out their lights.

They agreed to table the decision for now and listen for any state mandates and talk to  neighboring towns to see if they plan to have trick-or-treat this year due to Covid-19.

Chief of Police Chris Hill said there is a suggested time limit for trick-or-treating each year. It is 5-8 p.m.

The council then discussed moving the curfew up on school nights. Presently Manila has a curfew for midnight on Friday and Saturday nights  and 11 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday nights.

The council voted (6-0) to temporarily change the Sunday through Thursday curfew to 10 p.m. for school aged youth. The new time will remain through the remainder of 2020.

Councilman Baltimore said there are a lot of kids driving golf carts and  ATVs  around town carelessly.

“I am not against ATVs but I am afraid someone is going to get hurt,” Batimore said.

Mayor Wagner said the state has new ATV requirements and they are more liberal than in the past. We can be more restrictive than the state laws but not less.”

Councilman Dale Murphy said they will need to do an ordinance to enforce any regulations set.

No action was taken but Mayor Wagner and Chief Hill will look at the new regulations and make a recommendation to the council.

Mayor Wagner updated the council saying many of the new water meters have been installed.

“As soon as they are plugged in they start reading the actual usage,” Mayor Wagner said.

“Manila residents have been on levelized billing for over a year. This is a good time to remind everyone to repair their leaky faucets or commodes. I have had some say their bill is less and others more.”

Councilman Poteet asked if the city is busting concrete putting in the new meters. He said he got a call about concrete busted and placed in the trash container making it very heavy.

“Putting concrete in the trash containers is not good for our truck,” Poteet said.

Mayor Wagner said some meters have been concreted over by drive-way additions and at first concrete may have been placed in trash containers but that is not happening now.

Mayor Wagner also cautioned people about running over the new meters with vehicles or lawn mowers.

“We have already had two run over,” Mayor Wagner said. “We have ordered new boxes and lids for the ones under drive-ways.”

The council unanimously passed an annexation Ordinance request by Don Nunnally. The Ordinance was read by City Attorney Wes Wagner.

The property is located south of the Farmer Subdivision. Mayor Wagner said there are plans to build several houses in the new area. It will be located in Ward 2.

“The city of Manila seems to grow at every meeting,” Mayor Wagner said.

The city’s payroll schedule was changed from every two weeks to weekly. Employees will turn their time in on Fridays and get paid every Monday at 3:30 p.m. Mayor Wagner said employees will be able to pick up their checks at the Jim Berry Maintenance Building on Monday afternoons.

“We are going to try this and see how it works,” Mayor Wagner said. “This should make it easier and more accurate.”

A lengthy discussion was held on the fire station expansion and the purchase of a rescue truck.

Members of the fire department and Mayor Wagner met with the architects on Thursday.

Councilman Baltimore said the firemen need to tell the council what they want.

He said the original plan  was to purchase a rescue truck from the bond money. He went on to say if they spend all of the money on the building, the rescue truck may not happen.

“Whatever the fire department wants, is okay, I just don’t want any complaints later,” Baltimore said.

Councilman Baltimore asked the fire chief and assistant fire chief if they knew they could not get the truck, would they still want the building?

“We need a place for the ladder truck,” Assistant Chief Sonny Ray Dill said.

He added they need the extra bays for growth and the ladder truck will be an asset to the city for safety and the ISO rating.

Councilman Baltimore said he would like to have a total cost of the project.

Councilman Murphy said he is confident they can make it work for the building and the truck.

Mayor Wagner also said anything they do, must have state approval.

“It is taxpayers money and it has to be approved through Little Rock,” Mayor Wagner said.

The council voted unanimously to purchase turnout gear for the fire department in the amount of $12,459.45 using Act 833 funds.

Following an executive session, the council voted unanimously to approve a $1 an hour raise for Brandon Bollinger; a $1 an hour raise for Danny Davis; to allow Davis to use the city truck to his home and back;and give him a phone allowance.

In other business:

*The Council agreed to open the Airport Center for annual events including the Holiday Market on Nov. 14; the Butterfly House Christmas Show, Dec. 12; Breakfast with Santa/Christmas Bazaar on Nov. 7.

*Setting a date for the Christmas parade date was tabled at this time.

*Mayor Wagner informed the council, the Winter Municipal League Conference on Jan. 13-15 will be virtual.

*The Council approved the purchase of a Dodge pick-up in the amount of $25,644.
