August 29, 2020

The Mississippi County Quorum Court met Tuesday at the Mississippi County Courthouse in Osceola. County Judge John Alan Nelson called the meeting to order with seven justices present, a number which left the court able to have its meeting but not consider any of the ordinances on the agenda...

Steve Knox | Osceola Times

The Mississippi County Quorum Court met Tuesday at the Mississippi County Courthouse in Osceola.

County Judge John Alan Nelson called the meeting to order with seven justices present, a number which left the court able to have its meeting but not consider any of the ordinances on the agenda.

County Treasurer Peggy Meatte gave the county financial report. Meatte reported that the County General fund had a balance of $336,455.02 at the end of August. There was some concern over the balance being the lowest it had been in some time noted by the justices. Meatte indicated that sales tax collections had been trending up but were still slightly down. Meatte felt the county would be able to make the upcoming payroll without having to cash in any CDs. The total balance of all accounts at the end of August was 32,983,446.34. Meatte also reported the CDs were in First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas which offers a rate of .55 percent on a 12-month certificate with $100,000 invested.

Justice Molly Jackson gave an update on the Energy and Property committee meeting. Jackson indicted funds were available to complete the Osceola Courthouse roof project. Justice Bill Nelson delivered reports in the absence of Justice Rich Ash on Personnel Committee meetings held Aug. 12 and Aug. 17.

Justice Michael White gave the Finance Committee report and encouraged all justices to begin thinking about the upcoming 2021 budget process. White said his committee would begin meeting on the upcoming budget Sept. 14. Justices also approved a pair of resolutions unanimously. The first, Resolution 2020-12, recognized Martha Best for her 26 years of service to the county in the County Clerk’s office. The second, Resolution 2020-13, amended the county employment policies to require all new county employees hired as of Jan. 1, 2021 be required to receive their paychecks by direct deposit. The justices also discussed a request made by the Rivercrest School District for $11,000 to help secure wi-fi hot spots for the district. Justice Howard Norvell indicted that the Wilson and Keiser Libraries said they would be willing to help but that in order to get other municipalities in the South end to help, someone needed to contact the mayors of those communities. Judge Nelson indicated he would handle that.

Justice Norvell indicated that he felt the expenditure was an investment in the future of the county. Norvell said, “Our best resource is our children. I think Sally Bennett (Rivercrest School Superintendent) does a great job for our children.”

Justice White then requested that Judge Nelson set up an meeting in the near future to consider the ordinances which could not be voted on at the meeting. Judge Nelson said he would do so.
