Mississippi County Quorum Court met Thursday afternoon for a short meeting approving four ordinances with one failing to pass.
County Judge John Alan Nelson opened the meeting with all 10 justices present.
County Clerk Janice Currie read the first ordinance approving a salary and benefit up to $2,500 to allow retired Martha Best to help with the upcoming election. The personnel committee had reviewed and approved the request.
“This is an election year and Martha has retired and there is not time to train a new employee for election,” Justice Michael White said. “Martha is needed and I would ask for approval.”
The ordinance passed unanimously.
The next proposed ordinance was to allow Rivercrest School District to hire a Resource Officer at $16.40 an hour for 2080 hours. The officer will be under the direction of the Sheriff’s Department. The county will be reimbursed by the school district.
Justice Rick Ash explained the district has decided to go with a resource officer instead of a security officer. This has been recommended by the personnel committee and it will be at no cost to the county.
Justices passed the ordinance unanimously.
The third ordinance passed unanimously was to appropriate $400,000 for the Mississippi County Courthouses renovation project.
Justice Molly Jakcson explained the additional appropriation is to make sure there is a good cushion on anything that might come up. This appropriation has received committee approval.
The fourth ordinance read was an appropriation ordinance for professional services appropriated for the Mississippi County Government for attorney fees.
Mississippi County is party to litigation and has retained legal services.
White said this is for the legal advisers in the litigation.
“We hope $5,000 will cover the cost,” White said. “The charge is $200 an hour and we have not received a bill. It will be a line item for legal fees.”
The ordinance passed unanimously.
The final ordinance read was an appropriation in the amount of $8,200 to assist Rivercrest School District providing internet access for students working from home online and in the event schools have to close due to the Covid-19.
The ordinance failed by a vote of 4-6.
Judge Nelson reminded everyone it is budget time and asked everyone to get their numbers together.
Ms. Currie announced there would be a retirement drop-in celebration for Martha Best on Friday from 1-3:30 at the Burdette complex.