August 4, 2020

Thirteen Manila High School junior and senior students received college credits for AP scores. High School Principal LeAnn Helms congratulated the students for their accomplishment. Students received yard signs in recognition of their achievement. Students are: Oscar Aguliar (AP Language); Anna Beth Baugher (AP Language); Brody Edgin  (AP Language); Joshua Evers  (AP Language)   (AP US History); Marcy McGraw  (AP Language); Tyler Veach  (AP Language); Ty Wagner   (AP Language)  (AP US History); Nadia Brown  (AP Literature)  (AP Calculus); Connor Cole  (AP Literature)  (AP Calculus); Tanner Spencer  (AP US History); Alissa Delong  (AP Literature); Kaitlyn Ruddick (AP Literature); Nicolas Garcia  (AP Literature).. ...

Manila High School student  Joshua Evers made a perfect 5 on his AP Language score earning college credit. He also earned college credit for his AP U.S. History score. Joshua is the son of Jason and Nicole Evers.
Manila High School student Joshua Evers made a perfect 5 on his AP Language score earning college credit. He also earned college credit for his AP U.S. History score. Joshua is the son of Jason and Nicole Evers.

Thirteen Manila High School junior and senior students received college credits for AP scores. High School Principal LeAnn Helms congratulated the students for their accomplishment. Students received yard signs in recognition of their achievement.

Students are: Oscar Aguliar (AP Language); Anna Beth Baugher (AP Language); Brody Edgin  (AP Language); Joshua Evers  (AP Language)   (AP US History); Marcy McGraw  (AP Language); Tyler Veach  (AP Language); Ty Wagner   (AP Language)  (AP US History); Nadia Brown  (AP Literature)  (AP Calculus); Connor Cole  (AP Literature)  (AP Calculus); Tanner Spencer  (AP US History); Alissa Delong  (AP Literature); Kaitlyn Ruddick (AP Literature); Nicolas Garcia  (AP Literature).
