August 5, 2020

The Gosnell School Board approved the district’s 2020-21 Virtual Academy Handbook as well as the district’s reopening plan Monday night. Regarding the Virtual Academy Handbook, curriculum coordinator Anita McKinney said, “This is a living document; it can basically change at any time as we get information from the governor and the Arkansas Department of Health.”...

The Gosnell School Board approved the district’s 2020-21 Virtual Academy Handbook as well as the district’s reopening plan Monday night.

Regarding the Virtual Academy Handbook, curriculum coordinator Anita McKinney said, “This is a living document; it can basically change at any time as we get information from the governor and the Arkansas Department of Health.”

McKinney continued, “As of today we have 148 students that are signed up to be in our virtual academy. The deadline [to sign up] is this Friday, August 7th, so after that day we are going to get in contact with these parents about a meeting.”

McKinney stated that on Tuesday, Aug. 11, there will be a mandatory meeting for parents with students in the Virtual Academy. Parents with students in grades K-5 will start at 5 p.m., parents of grades 6-8 will start at 6 p.m., and parents of grades 9-12 will start at 7 p.m.

There will be an additional meeting on Friday, Aug. 14, at 10 a.m. for anyone that could not attend the previous meeting.

“We need to make sure they understand all of the requirements and what they are getting into. This is not your typical school, they’ll be getting lessons from Odysseyware/Edgenuity and we want to make sure the parents really understand the things that will go on with this virtual academy.”

Odysseyware is the virtual program for grades K-5 and Edgenuity will be used for grades 6-12.

McKinney said another reason for the meeting is to make sure the parents understand that students will not get to take certain courses for electives.

“The options to take electives, especially on the secondary level, are going to be a little different. For example we have AG metals, there is no way for us to teach an AG metals shop that is so hands on for a virtual academy so we are offering different kinds of electives,” said McKinney.

Superintendent Bonard Mace added, “I want to remind them that if they start in the [Virtual] Academy, they are mandated to stay in the system for nine weeks. The only exception to that would be through the clearance of the different building level principals and extenuating circumstances.”

McKinney mentioned, “Attendance will be mandatory for the students every day. If it is a school day then students are expected to sign into their virtual academy and do work. As long as they show work on the school days they will be present and if they miss they will be counted absent. We have to hold them accountable each day.”

The board unanimously passed the Virtual Academy Handbook, then held a discussion before approving the proposed reopening plan also known as the Ready to Learn plan. The plan is available on the school district’s website and answers several frequently asked questions of parents and students.

The plan includes implementing both blended learning and virtual learning. With blended learning, students will utilize both face to face instruction as well as digital learning through Google Classroom.

Mace said, “We know someone will eventually have to be quarantined. For the initial phase of them being out we will let them stay in Google Classroom and if it is for an extended period of time we can switch them to virtual learning.”

The superintendent also mentioned that every student from grades 3-12 will be required to wear masks. Any K-2 parent that desires their child to wear a mask may do so and will be provided a mask also. Visitors and nonessential personnel will not be allowed on campus until further notice.

The district approved several other items, including:

-An AirMed Care bid for insuring the districts staff;

-iWorks Toner bid;

-Five board volunteer resolutions;

-Appointed Angela Deeter for Secondary English position and Cara McGlaughlin for an elementary paraprofessional position;

-Chad Davidson as academic facilities coordinator and planning consultation for $3,500.
