BIC board of directors met on Thursday evening to work through a short agenda involving hiring of two new teachers and accepting resignation of one coach.
April McClelland was hired for the position of elementary special education teacher and will be working on her certification. Chad Broadway was hired for the position of assistant girls basketball coach and baseball coach and will also teach elementary physical education. Jennifer Roach was hired for the position of elementary special education instructional assistant.
The board accepted the resignation from Callie Brooks as softball coach. She will still serve as teacher and bus driver.
Directors reviewed three bids for outsourcing custodial services. These included DOW Janitorial for $262,395, SG360 for $144, 739 and Jones Service Group for $95,400. The Jones Service Group does not include the refinishing of VCT in the MAC or Pre-K. SG360 was chosen as the firm is larger and may have more expertise in dealing with the Covid pandemic.
After receiving a letter of approval from attorney Donn Mixon’s office, the board passed a resolution for the suspension of district policy to align with emergency COVID-19 legislation and statutory/rule waivers. This resolution will continue until Governor Asa Hutchison or the Arkansas General Assembly declares an end to the state of emergency, or the board revokes the resolution. Mixon wrote that the resolution’s sole purpose was to approve in advance the actions of the district in responding appropriately in the pandemic.
Adult lunch cost was increased from $3.75 to $3.85, per the recommendation of Aramark Food Service Director Debra Wooten.
“We are looking into the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for kids to eat school lunches free,” said Superintendent Gaylon Taylor.
Directors approved the Arkansas Department of Education Statement of Assurances for Programs Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act.
The board approved a recommendation from Superintendent Taylor to give a one-time payment of 2 percent to full-time certified and non-certified employees who do not hold a BSE + 15 or a MSE degree. The payment is to compensate for those who have not received additional monies from state mandated increases. This will involve a $45,000 increase.
“I hope the CARES money keeps coming,” said Taylor. “There are so many things that have to be purchased to protect kids.”
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act is a federal Coronavirus aid package providing school and preschool funding.
The board approved the 2020-2021 School Improvement Plan for BIC High School grades 7-12 as prepared by Dr. Kima Stewart.
Directors approved the BIC Sick Bank Policy.
Taylor reported to the board that the school was $49,000 short on projections last year due to wrong assessments. This problem has been corrected.
The board reviewed a copy of the 2020-2021 School Improvement Plan for BIC High School, grades 7-12.
Taylor stated that the BIC school website has detailed information and videos of parent meetings held in July and Covid-19 Guidelines for the 2020-21 school year.