July 22, 2020

Manila Ministerial Alliance member Jeff Knowlton addressed the Manila City Council on Monday night, requesting approval for a community event, “Preaching in the Park” on Aug. 8. Brother Knowlton said the Ministerial Alliance wants to hold a gathering starting at noon. All social distancing  will be observed...

Manila Ministerial Alliance member Jeff Knowlton addressed the Manila City Council on Monday night, requesting approval for a community event, “Preaching in the Park” on Aug. 8. Brother Knowlton said the Ministerial Alliance wants to hold a gathering starting at noon. All social distancing  will be observed.

There will be speakers and praise music. No food will be provided but families are welcome to bring a picnic lunch on the ground if they choose. Also, the speaking and music will be transmitted on radio — 87.9 FM — for anyone who wants to stay in their vehicles and also to allow residents from the Manila Nursing Center to enjoy the music and preaching.

“We know it will be hot,” Brother Knowlton said. “We encourage everyone to bring their own lawn chairs. This is something the community needs.”

The council voted unanimously in favor of allowing the event in the park on Aug. 8.

Mayor Wayne Wagner said he and the fire chief had met with the architects about plans for the addition to the fire station.

“We are hoping to take what money we have ($510,000) and apply for a matching grant to help fund the construction work at the station and the purchase of the new rescue truck,” Mayor Wagner said. “Building materials are high right now. Hopefully by the time we get ready to do the work in 2021, materials will be down.”

The architects will have drawings ready to present at the next council meeting. Mayor Wagner said they have measured and added an extra 10 feet on to the bays. The same color brick will be used.

There will be four bays (90’ wide and 60’ deep) on both sides with the offices and meeting room in the center.

Councilman Donnie Wagner asked if that would be large enough to house the ladder truck.

Mayor Wagner said the fire chief and architects have measured to make sure it will all fit.

Mayor Wagner said the city workers will start putting in the new water meters.

“As hot as it has been, Joe (Chipman) water supervisor, and his crew have been out there working,” Mayor Wagner said. “I received a text from a citizen complimenting how hard our  employees work.”

A discussion was held on how long it will take to install the new water meters.

Chipman said they had put in five of the most difficult ones.

He said some will be easier than others and they will get faster the more they do. They have approximately 1,500 meters to install.

Chipman discussed the work that will be done on the water tower maintenance and inspection this week.

He explained they will start on Tuesday reducing the water in the tower by 50 percent.  The high service pumps will be turned on and will run 24/7. He has met with workers coming in to do the job. The tower will be drained and ready for the crew to begin work on Thursday morning to clean and inspect the tower and check for leaks. There are leaks in the tower. This is done on a three year cycle.

“Citizens will not miss a beat as long as our high service pumps don’t go down,” Chipman said.

He added the third and final pump has been installed using the bond money. Chipman informed the council there are three suspected water leaks he is concerned about.

They discussed options on possible repairs, including purchasing lights to allow the work to be done at night for the convenience of the citizens.

A letter was read from an organization, Anaya’s Way, Inc.,  about a charitable distribution of food who is partnering with Manila First Pentecostal Church. Food will be distributed on Saturday, July 25 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Plans are to transport the pallets to Manila by Friday and package them for families in a drive-up method. 

The council was in favor of the food distribution for the area citizens. Mayor Wagner said they  will contact the pastor of the church and the organization. The city said they would offer the community center to be used for delivery  a pick up sight if needed.

In other business:

*Mayor Wagner said the concession stand at the pool is looking good. The council looked at samples for the siding material and trim, deciding to go with dark gray and white trim. It was also decided to go with a shingled roof rather than a metal one.

*The barbecue festival sponsored by the Manila Fire Department and Moving Manila Forward, and the chili cook off, sponsored by the Manila Lions Club, have both been canceled due to the coronavirus.

*Mayor Wagner said the citizen requesting a variance to place a mobile home on a vacant lot is getting the exact specifications and will present it to the council at a later meeting.

*Council members Donnie Wagner and Wendell Poteet volunteered to witness the disposing of the 2012 records.
