April 11, 2020

At Wednesday’s press conference, Blytheville Police Chief Ross Thompson said that an officer is out with an illness. The officer has been tested for COVID-19 and the results of the test are pending. In the meantime, the officer has been quarantined...

At Wednesday’s press conference, Blytheville Police Chief Ross Thompson said that an officer is out with an illness.

The officer has been tested for COVID-19 and the results of the test are pending.

In the meantime, the officer has been quarantined.

Thompson said the department had already put in place plans for different scenarios at the beginning of the worldwide pandemic. He added the department could change up shifts if need be.

Thompson added that if the test comes back negative, the officer would be back to work as soon as he feels better.

Also, Mississippi County Health Officer Dr. Valencia Pirtle and Thompson stated that if folks are wearing a mask or gloves, they should wear them properly and avoid throwing them on the ground.

“Please stop throwing your gloves and masks down on the ground. It’s pretty disgusting,” Thompson said.

He added someone will have to pick them up.

“It puts them at risk,” the chief said. “It puts everybody at risk. So, please we are better than this, let’s pick up after ourselves while we are going through this.”

Mississippi County Officer of Emergency Management Wayne Reynolds stated he has also seen people wearing the mask improperly.

Reynolds also mentioned that he had received shipments in of PPE last Friday and Wednesday. These shipments have been distributed to first responders, according to Reynolds.

He also mentioned that he has put in more requests and he is expecting a shipment of masks on Friday. He has also been looking at other places to get more equipment.

Pirtle reminded citizens to keep washing their hands and wear the mask properly.

Blytheville Mayor James Sanders suggesting buying from local businesses online when available.

Also, he said small business could call the Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce for information about different loans that are available.
