Manila City Council held a phone conference meeting Thursday morning to discuss lease/purchase a new garbage truck.
Mayor Wayne Wagner informed the council and the NEA Town Courier of the conference call and all council members were included.
The city’s garbage truck is broken down and city workers are having to pick up trash on a flatbed trailer.
Mayor Wagner said the city has had a lot of break-downs with the three year old truck. The council discussed the lease/purchase of a new Hino garbage truck from Arkansas Municipal Equipment featuring two tippers on the back. The price of the truck is $147,500. The present truck will be paid off and used as a trade in. At the end of the three year lease period the city will have the option to purchase the truck or get a new one under the same lease provisions.
The payment will be $2,500 a month.
Council members voted unanimously to go with the lease/purchase agreement for the new garbage truck.
Mayor Wagner and council members discussed the need of citizens using trash bags in the trash containers, especially with summer coming on.
“Most residents are using bags, but there are still some who are not and it makes it very difficult for our workers,” Mayor Wagner said.
Mayor Wagner said he would keep the council updated on any developments or changes in guidelines from the state to help ensure the safety and health of all of the citizens.