Gosnell city offices will be closed to the public for the next two weeks, but employees will be in the office and answering phones for those who need assistance.
"As a precaution and the advisement to social distance all city offices will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 16 for the next two weeks," the city of Gosnell posted on its Facebook page on Monday. "We will be working and available by phone. It is imperative that we try to protect our police officers, firemen, sanitation workers and street workers. They all provide services that are vital to the daily operation city wide. By all means if you need assistance you may still call. The police will be doing their normal patrols. There are certain reports the public needs to file that can be done by phone. We will continue to do our jobs. The fire department will continue to respond to all calls. The garbage will continue to be picked up on a regular basis. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Remember to keep your hands washed and don’t touch your face. Also, if you feel you have been exposed or experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 please call ahead before just showing up at a doctors office or hospital. The call ahead allows the staff to prepare for your arrival and limits the number of exposures overall. Again, let me reiterate, there are no known cases of the virus in Gosnell or Mississippi county at this time. These are just precautionary measures."