Manila City Council approved several part-time officers if needed, increased the mayor's salary, approved playground equipment purchase, approved the buy-back vacation days, discussed an alcohol permit for LaCascada Restaurant, heard a report about a violation of a subdivision covenant, and discussed the possibility of outside trash pick-up at the December meeting held Wednesday.
Dennis Sammons addressed the council about a violation of rental property in the subdivision on Alma, Extended.
Sammons had the property agreement from the 1960s when the homes were constructed. The contracts show all of the homes in the subdivision cannot be rental property. Even if the homes are sold or passed down, the contract holds.
“Mr. Tate purchased one of the homes and remodeled the house and it is now a rental house,” Sammons said. “I informed him of the regulations throughout the process but he ignored it.”
Mayor Wayne Wagner said he would have the city attorney look at everything but it could be a case of the homeowners covenant restrictions versus a city ordinance.
“The homeowners in the subdivision may have to have their attorney write the owner a letter and proceed from there,” Mayor Wagner said.
Mayor Wagner went on to say if the owner is found in violation then the city can get involved.
Sammons thanked the council for their time and thanked them for the work they are doing in the town.
Mayor Wagner informed the council LaCascada Restaurant has applied for a license to serve liquor. It has been in the paper and a note has been posted at the restaurant.
Police Chief Chris Hill said he has not heard any complaints.
Councilman Steven Milligan asked how would the drinks be regulated.
Chief Hill said, like other places, if any violations are found, the state will pull a business’s permit.
Mayor Wagner asked if the council wants the city attorney to prepare an ordinance.
The state approved the request but the city has to pass an ordinance of approval.
Councilman Donnie Wagner said there are a lot of liquor sales already in Manila.
Mayor Wagner said he would have the ordinance ready for the January meeting and the council could discuss it and vote on it then.
Mayor Wagner and Joe Chipman, maintenance supervisor, discussed with the council the possibility of going outside services for trash pick-up.
Chipman said right now they are looking at the pros and the cons. He said he had talked to other towns and most of the comments have been positive. He said they are not prepared to lay out the details yet but he wanted the council to know they are looking into it. Chipman also stressed employees would not lose their jobs. There is plenty of work to be done.
Mayor Wagner said citizens would have the same weekly pick up per residence, the cost would not go up to the citizens. His suggestion is, if the council decides to go that route, to clean and store the city's truck for six months to a year to see how it works.
The council asked to have representatives from companies to meet with them to discuss it.
Chief Hill then said four people had been to training and certified and he would like to add them to the part-time officer list to use if and when needed. The four are Hunter Holt, Tom Mason, Jason Evers and Brandon Petty.
The council voted unanimously to approve the request.
Councilman Milligan said the mayor has been here six years and has doing a good job for the city.
“He has done a good job and never asked for anything,” Milligan said. “On behalf of the council I make a motion we give him a $250 a month raise on his salary to show him our appreciation for his hard work and dedication.”
The council approved the increase unanimously.
Mayor Wagner thanked them and expressed his appreciation to them for their work for the citizens of Manila.
In other business:
*Mayor Wagner said starting in January employees will get paid on the 3rd and 17th days of the month. This will be helpful for bookkeeping and cut down on changes. There will be no difference in pay but the first one will be two days later than usual and then it will be on schedule. Council had no problems with the change.
*Mayor Wagner said there will be a meeting on Dec. 30 to approve the budget and on the swimming pool project bids.
*The council voted to approve the purchase of the playground equipment from Davis Playground Equipment as presented at the November meeting.
*The council voted, on Chief Hill's recommendation, to buy-back vacation days from police officers.
*Mayor Wagner asked the council about purchasing tires for the fire department's ladder truck from Lion Station in the amount of $5,900. He said he had received word from Tracey Reinhart, owner, of plans to close the Lion Station this week. Councilman Donnie Wagner said he thought they should buy the tires from a company that will still be in business.