December 14, 2019

Bill Nelson announced his plans to seek re-election for Mississippi County Justice of the Peace for District 4. He has served the county for 19 years. Nelson serves as chairman of the Economic Development Committee. “We have created over 4,000 new jobs in Mississippi County which increased our local payroll by $135 million annually,” Nelson said. ...

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Bill Nelson announced his plans to seek re-election for Mississippi County Justice of the Peace for District 4. He has served the county for 19 years.

Nelson serves as chairman of the Economic Development Committee.

“We have created over 4,000 new jobs in Mississippi County which increased our local payroll by $135 million annually,” Nelson said. “I also chair the Insurance Committee. The county provides health insurance to all full-time employees free of charge. That is a significant amount when you realize that is an expense that does not come form the employees' pocket. I also chair the Emergency Committee which goes into action should our county suffer from a flood, tornado or other catastrophic disasters. I also serve on the Finance Committee, the Personnel Committee, the Fire, Police & Safety Committee, Efficiency Committee and the Roads & Bridges Committee. There are 11 committees and 11 JPs and we meet often to take care of the county's business. The main purpose of the quorum court is to appropriate money, not to manage county government.”

Nelson is past president of the Cotton Boll Technical Institute where he was first employed when he relocated to Mississippi County. After retirement, he briefly worked for SouthBank, and then joined David Pryor's team to help him get elected to Congress. After he was elected, he began selling real estate for Crye-Leike and remains there today.

He is a member of the First Methodist Church, Blytheville Lions Club and Northeast Arkansas Board of Realtors.

He is a recipient of the Melvin Jones Award and Past President of the Blytheville Lions Club.

“I enjoy my job as a JP and look forward to continuing serving my District for another two years,” he said.
