October 5, 2019

Monday, the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a $14,587,500 investment into eight organizations across the Mississippi River Delta region to expand the impact of workforce development efforts through the Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC) grant initiative. Among the grantees was Arkansas Northeastern College, which was awarded $2,324,336...

Monday, the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a $14,587,500 investment into eight organizations across the Mississippi River Delta region to expand the impact of workforce development efforts through the Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC) grant initiative. Among the grantees was Arkansas Northeastern College, which was awarded $2,324,336.

These grant funds, awarded by DOL’s Employment and Training Ad-ministration in collaboration with DRA and the Appalachian Regional Commission, focus on rural areas hard hit by economic transition and recovering more slowly. Grantees have designed projects to address the specific skills needed by both businesses and workers in the DRA or ARC service area, as defined in 40 U.S.C 14102(a)(1), and in seven U.S.C. 2009aa(2), respectively. WORC grant applicants could apply for funding amounts between $150,000 and $2,500,000 for developing local and regional workforce development solutions aligned with existing economic development strategies. The grants also provided enhanced training and support activities to dislocated workers (including displaced homemakers); new entrants to the workforce; and incumbent workers. Collectively, these grant activities promote new, sustainable job opportunities and long-term economic vitality. 
