July 20, 2019

Manila School Board agreed to refinance existing bonds at the Monday, July 18, meeting. Superintendent Jason Evers welcomed Marshall Hughes with Beardsley and Associates who explained the process. “We have been watching the bond issue and the district can save money by refinancing the 2015 bonds,” Hughes said. “It is like refinancing a house. According to the Arkansas state law school districts can refinance if they can save either a minimum of $100,000 or five percent.”...

Manila School Board agreed to refinance existing bonds at the Monday, July 18, meeting.

Superintendent Jason Evers welcomed Marshall Hughes with Beardsley and Associates who explained the process.

“We have been watching the bond issue and the district can save money by refinancing the 2015 bonds,” Hughes said. “It is like refinancing a house. According to the Arkansas state law school districts can refinance if they can save either a minimum of $100,000 or five percent.”

The savings to the district will be $277,000.

All board members, Jeremy Jackson, Tracey Reinhart, Monte Middleton, Johnny McCain, Tommy Wagner, Danny Robbins and Casey Wells, were present.

The board voted unanimously for the present board officers to remain for the upcoming year. Officers are Jackson, president; Reinhart, vice president; and Middleton, secretary. Reinhart will remain as chief dispersing officer with all other board members serving as alternates.

The board approved the school improvement plan as presented by Evers. He explained teachers and administrators work on a plan to make things better and more efficient for the students.

The AMI (alternate method of instruction) plan was approved. The AMI is the instruction method used when and if school is out due to inclement weather or other problems that prevent students from attending classes. Evers said the plan is the same as approved last year.

Evers and board members reviewed model policies and all changes as mandated. Board voted unanimously to adopt the revisions.

The board voted to give Evers, on behalf of the district, the ability to purchase land around the school up to the amount of $100,000.

Technology purchased was approved in the amount of $112,578.78. The amount will include the purchase of Chrome books, 86” 4K Smart Displays and 30 computers and monitors along with needed accessories.

The board went into executive session to discuss personnel but no action was taken.

Evers gave the administration report informing the board beginning July 24 all board meetings will have to be recorded.

Evers asked board members if they were in favor of continuing the teacher attendance incentive. Last school year teachers received $125 for perfect attendance each nine weeks and $50 for missing one or two days.

“We had a savings of $25,000 with a 20 percent drop for substitute teachers,” he said. “The staff appreciated it.”

The board approved the continuation of the teacher attendance incentive.

Evers presented a letter from Governor Asa Hutchinson recognizing Gerri McCann and the school for implementing and the work on computer programming classes.

“I am proud of her and our kids for their work,” Evers said.

He also expressed his appreciation to Mayor Wayne Wagner and the city council for the good working relationship they have had over the last year.

“I also want to commend our maintenance and custodial staff for their hard work this summer,” Evers said. “We will be back to school in less than a month. Our teachers return Aug. 5 and our students return on Aug. 13.

Regular board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month.
