CARAWAY - The Caraway City council updated water well progress, approved a revision of employee handbook, and tabled a proposed mobile home ordinance during Thursday evening’s meeting.
“We are in the early stages of our water well funding,” said Mayor Bo James. “We have sent in all the necessary information to the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) for financing the $527,000 project.”
The Arkansas Economic Development Commission awarded the City of Caraway a $200,000 grant earlier this week for the creation of a new water well to service the city. City officials have also applied for a Delta Regional Authority Grant. The city is awaiting news from the ANRC for financing the remaining project amount and anticipate receiving news by the middle of next month.
“Cities usually get about half of money requested from ANRC,” James said. “That should put us in a good place. Things are looking good in our favor. With all information in, we could start on well project in late fall or early winter. We will still have to look at and evaluate our water rates in the future.”
The council passed a revision of their Employee Handbook, which included changes in the family medical leave eligibility and the accumulation of 12 days of sick leave days per year for Police Department employees.”
The council tabled a decision on their proposed Mobile Home Ordinance until more information could be obtained.
The city received $720 from the county jail contract this month, and $500 last month for defrayment funds. The council agreed to take money out of the general fund and set up a separate account for deposit of special funds. The revenue can only be used for transport.
“Lane Sanders has been hired to work with the Water Department,” Mayor James said. “He fits well with our staff and we are very pleased with his work.”
There were reports of people still releasing fireworks inside the city and doing so late in the evening. State regulations only allow firework usage from June 21 through July 4. Anyone continuing to use fireworks will be out of compliance.
James announced the city is getting a new pharmacy. Daily Dose Pharmacy, of Osceola, will be opening in the fall, east of the doctor’s office.
“The Roach facility is up and running and has started production,” James said. “They may invest in another line here in Caraway, which would be very good news.”
We have four firemen working at this time and they are doing a good job,” said Scotty Browning, Fire Department Administrator. “I plan to resign the last of this month and become a retiree.”