The first order of business at the Monday, June 3, Riverside School Board meeting was to elect officers for the coming year. Greg Douglas was elected board president and Mike Brickell was elected vice president. Len B. Nall was elected secretary.
During the financial review, Superintendent Jeff Priest pointed out the district is within $65,000 compared to the same time last year. Expenses are within $6,000 of last year.
“We are right in line with last year's figures,” Priest said. “We will close out the school year on June 30 and start a new July 1.”
Daniel Haynes, Riverside Booster Club president, along with other officers of the club, addressed the board about construction of a metal building to benefit baseball, softball, tennis, golf, bowling and other sports giving students an inside practice area.
“Booster Club Board members voted to commit to half (up to $50,000) of the cost if the school will partner for the other half,” Haynes said.
Haynes went on to say the Booster Club had made $21,000 off the concession stand this year. He said they are ready to commit $10,000 a year for five years to get the project done. The building will be a 50'x100' building with 14' ceilings. There will be room for a batting cage. It will be located near the ball field. The restrooms at the concession stand can serve the new facility eliminating the cost of installing restrooms.
People Haynes and Priest have spoken with said cost might be less than $100,000. Priest said some of the inside work can be done by school employees.
Haynes went on to say they had purchased uniforms for the baseball and softball teams, served meals to athletes and more.
“We have great communities in Lake City and Caraway to work with,” Haynes said.
He pointed out this is something to benefit the athletes for years to come.
Paul McAnnally, booster club board member, discussed possibilities of getting grants for LED lighting for the building. He also encouraged the community to become more involved in the booster club and come out to support the teams.
"We know how much you (Booster Club) do for the district," Priest said. "A project like this will help show the community what you are doing.
“A facility like this will save parents money. We have a lot of people who drive their children to Jonesboro for lessons. Hopefully, we will be able to set up camps and lessons here for our young athletes."
A discussion was held on what type of building, where to make an additional parking area, looking into grants for equipment, working with the athletic director.
Priest said there is enough money in the building fund to finance the project and the Booster Club can reimburse the district over the five years.
The board voted unanimously to move forward with the project.
Plans for the building will be completed and bids will be taken and should be ready to review by the July meeting.
“Hopefully, we can start on it soon after,” Priest said.
Through school choice applications, nine students have requested moving to other schools and 13 want to attend Riverside.
“That gives us four,” Priest said.
At least two said they chose Riverside after hearing the radio ad.
“We also had good coverage of our two high school graduates graduating with an associates degree from the NEA Town Courier and the Jonesboro Sun,” Priest said.
In other business:
*The board voted to accept the audit. Priest informed the board the district had a clean audit with no findings.
*The board then voted for a resolution to allow any excess funds (over $971,000) at the close of the school fiscal year (June 30) to be transferred to the building fund. Priest said he will not have an exact figure until the close out is completed. The amount could be between $100,000 to $200,000. Last year the district had $411,000 to transfer.
*Priest said there are no big projects underway this summer. Some of the projects mentioned included finishing bathrooms at the west elementary and Caraway gymnasium; extending the covered walkway at west elementary; and working on floors.
The next regular board meeting will be 6 p.m. Monday, July 1, at the board room.