May 8, 2019

Riverside School Board accepted resignations and made several hires during the meeting held Monday, May 6. The board accepted the resignations of Chrisy Young (special ed LEA), Nick Brown (baseball/cross country coach and history), Brittany Coats (7-12 science), Jordan Tuberville (7-12 English) and Misty Adams (paraprofessional)...

Riverside School Board accepted resignations and made several hires during the meeting held Monday, May 6.

The board accepted the resignations of Chrisy Young (special ed LEA), Nick Brown (baseball/cross country coach and history), Brittany Coats (7-12 science), Jordan Tuberville (7-12 English) and Misty Adams (paraprofessional).

Ben Hogard will fill the position as head baseball/cross country coach and history teacher. Also accepting positions were Lea Ann Tacker as part-time gifted and talented teacher; Emily George as 7-12 science teacher; Victoria Winn as 7-12 English/drama teacher.

The board approved donating seven sick days to Amy Privett due to the recent hospitalization/care of her husband.

In other business the board:

* recognized Tracey Haas for all her hard work in organizing graduation; thanked Lake City Fire Department for helping park vehicles and shuttle people during graduation.

* approved the 2019-20 6B budget.
