Riverside School Board accepted resignations and made several hires during the meeting held Monday, May 6.
The board accepted the resignations of Chrisy Young (special ed LEA), Nick Brown (baseball/cross country coach and history), Brittany Coats (7-12 science), Jordan Tuberville (7-12 English) and Misty Adams (paraprofessional).
Ben Hogard will fill the position as head baseball/cross country coach and history teacher. Also accepting positions were Lea Ann Tacker as part-time gifted and talented teacher; Emily George as 7-12 science teacher; Victoria Winn as 7-12 English/drama teacher.
The board approved donating seven sick days to Amy Privett due to the recent hospitalization/care of her husband.
In other business the board:
* recognized Tracey Haas for all her hard work in organizing graduation; thanked Lake City Fire Department for helping park vehicles and shuttle people during graduation.
* approved the 2019-20 6B budget.