Annabell Mitchell was the spokeswoman for several senior citizens attending the Manila City Council meeting Monday, April 22. Mrs. Mitchell discussed the indoor therapeutic pool at the water park.
“This pool is very important to us for our health,” she said. “Most of us have tried medications, pain clinic, and physical therapy and nothing works as well as the warm therapeutic pool.”
She went on to say they have heard rumors about the pool and she wanted to bring their concerns to the city council. The seniors want the therapeutic pool open year round and set hours for them to utilize the pool.
Senior citizen Donna Walls said her cancer doctor told her the warm water would be good for her.
Mayor Wayne Wagner assured everyone he and the council want the pool open for them. He went on to say there is a problem with the seals and Memphis Pool said they will be there this week to fix the problem.
Council member Jason Baltimore said when they added the therapeutic pool it was their intention to have it open year round for the senior citizens or others who needed the pool.
Mayor Wagner went on to explain the problem is in the design. The pipes going to the therapeutic pool are above the dressing rooms only used during the outside season. Those pipes freeze in the winter. He said they are looking into ways to fix the problem so the therapeutic pool can be used year round.
“We will work with you,” Mayor Wagner said.
He went on to say the city will be willing to hire a female lifeguard to be there with the seniors while they are in the pool for their safety. He asked them to have a committee person or group set hours they want to use the pool. He did request they set their hours away from the opening and closing times of the pool to allow the senior citizens to avoid the heavy traffic area for their safety.
It was agreed the seniors will get together with the Mayor to set the days, hours and guidelines they need to use the pool on a regular basis.
“If you don’t know the problem, you can’t fix it,” Mrs. Mitchell said. “I am proud to now be a citizen of Manila. I want to thank you (the council) for all you do. We have a wonderful senior center. My husband and I go every day. The pool is very important to us.”
Mayor Wagner said once the pool has been fixed he will let them know.
It was also mentioned the senior center needs better transportation.
The van they use is not in good condition.
The council discussed upgrading and ways to fund new water meters with computerized meter reading capabilities for the city.
“Our water meters are getting older and many are buried deep, built over and hard to read,” Mayor Wagner said.
Mayor Wagner said other communities have gone to computerized meter reading. The cost of replacing all of the meters and installing computerized equipment is estimated at $400,000. Wagner said one way to fund the water meters and upgrades, as well as meet several other needs in the community such as a new rescue truck for the fire department, new playground equipment, etc., is to extend a 3/4 cent sales tax which is about to expire. The tax was passed in 2009 for the swimming pool and is about to end.
If the sales tax is extended by a vote of the citizens, the upgrade in the water department could be completed with no raise in water rates and no new taxes. Mayor Wagner said if the council wants to pursue the extended tax, there will be public meetings and the vote could be held in September allowing the work to begin later this year.
“If we decide to pursue this we will need to have a list of projects the tax will pay for and let the people know at public meetings,” Councilman Jason Baltimore said.
Mayor Wagner said specifics will be on the ballot title.
Discussion was held on water bills being levelized for the year.
Cathy Huddleston, city treasurer, said a representative showed an example of how the bills would be calculated for levelized billing and the figures came out the almost the same.
The council discussed the pros of new water meters and computerized equipment. The new equipment would read the meters and any indication of a leak would be immediately red flagged at city hall. Residents then would be notified.
“I think people will like being able to keep up with their water usage online,” Councilman Steven Milligan said.
One of the pros of extending the sales tax versus raising rates is the fact with a sales tax everyone making a purchase in Manila will help pay for the improvements and if the water rates are raised, only the citizens will pay for the upgrade. Another was the fact needed work can be done quickly instead of taking seven to ten years as the funds become available.
Council members voted unanimously to pursue extending the tax for new meters and reading system and using levelized water billing during the process.
If the tax doesn’t pass, the city will hire a meter reader and continue to replace water meters when needed.
The council looked over plans for development of six lots at the former Pig Stand and Town Crier property.
The lots will be sold with stipulations such as 1,300 square feet minimum, 80 to 90 percent brick, etc. Then a discussion was held on elevation requirements possibility requiring two blocks and an L as a minimum standard.
Mayor Wagner said he would have a surveyor make a presentation on elevation needs at the next meeting.
Following an executive session, the council accepted the resignation of Jackie Hill from the police department.
They will be interviewing candidates for the position.