April 24, 2019

Leachville City Council agreed on fees for water services at the Monday, April 22, meeting. Mayor Rodney Robertson and the council discussed the ongoing problem of unpaid water bills. A disconnect date after the 20th of each month was set at last month’s meeting. Water bills are due on the 15th of each month. Bills can be paid from the 15th to the 20th with a late fee added but after the 20th water services will be cut off...

Leachville City Council agreed on fees for water services at the Monday, April 22, meeting. Mayor Rodney Robertson and the council discussed the ongoing problem of unpaid water bills.

A disconnect date after the 20th of each month was set at last month’s meeting. Water bills are due on the 15th of each month. Bills can be paid from the 15th to the 20th with a late fee added but after the 20th water services will be cut off.

The council all agreed at the April meeting to set a $100 connect fee for all new customers, payable at the time the water is turned on and a $100 refundable deposit for new customers. The deposit can be paid over a two month period.

Ruth Ann Keith, city treasurer, said an amendment will be needed for the changes. She will have the paper work ready and a special called meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Wednesday for the council to vote on the connect and deposit fees.

Mayor Robertson talked about the cost to the city to maintain water for citizens. The estimated cost every month is $11,466.02. That is for energy to run the pumps, water tower payment and worker’s salaries. That does not include the chemicals and other expenses.

Mayor Robertson announced Arkansas Department of Transportation funding for street paving will give the city $250,000 for paving several streets with the city’s portion of $28,173. The council voted unanimously to pay the city’s portion.

Robert Ballard, maintenance superintendent, said city employee Patrick Shepard is working on getting a CDL license so he can drive the trash truck. Ballard also said an extra person may be needed part-time for trash pick up and mowing.

Ballard also said while the city was working on the filtration system and purchasing water from Buffalo Island Rural Water, a contract worker at BIC, working on the parking lot, broke a fire hydrant. The city received a water bill for over $7,000 with about half of the cost due to the leak.

Mayor Robertson said he had contacted the worker and he is insured and will be responsible for his part of the bill.

There was also discussion on a bill from Shupe for filtration work. The estimate was $60,000 and when the city received the bill, a 10 percent sales tax was added. Clerk Ruth Ann Keith is going to check to see if the city is exempt on this type of services.

Larry Ballard is off work due to illness. He has 56 hours of vacation left and work has begun on getting his short-term disability started.

Leachville Police Chief Alan Austin reported on arrests saying the city is losing money on some of the misdemeanor arrests. Some of those arrested do not have the money to pay their fines and they sit in jail costing the city $55 a day. He also said there is a need for new vehicles. The police vehicles are getting older. The newest one is a 2014 model.

“There are no grants available,” Austin said. “The cars are beginning to nickel and dime us to death. We need to start thinking about new vehicles. The city has to have dependable vehicles in the police department.”

The council passed a proclamation observing May as Arkansas Historical Preservation Month.

Mayor Robertson said the Leachville gymnasium is looking good. Volunteers have been working. Jackey Hawkins gave an update on the work saying 75 percent of the gym has been painted and 60 percent of the lobby has been painted. LED lights have been installed.

“I don’t want to leave anyone out, but I know Jackey and Retha Hawkins and Ronnie Kennett have worked hard,” Councilman Paul Wildy said. “I know there are others, also.”

Wildy also commended Jill Sanders and her EAST students for working with the city.

Councilman Keith Evans asked about a ramp at the theater and if the leak had been fixed at the Melody. He also asked about clean-up ordinances being enforced.

City clerk said they had checked on adding the ramp to a grant application and Mayor Robertson said the roofers had not been back to check the leak.

In the citizens comments, Maryln Looney talked about the EOC opening pre-k in Leachville and Monette. She said this provides jobs for area people as well as daycare.

“There is also birth to three year old slots available if we can get eight more to sign up,” she said. “If you know of anyone who is expecting, there is pre-natal care available and care for the babies once they are born at no cost to the mothers. We have a lot of services here in Mississippi County and Craighead County if people will take advantage of the opportunities. People can get their college paid for and transportation to and from.”
