The Blytheville Public Works committee heard from director Mark Key about the department’s work in March.
Key reported that the drain work on Keith and Elm has been completed. The department also fixed a spot in the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex parking lot in one of the handicap spaces.
Key reported that there were a total of 23 lights out at the ballpark and the department has fixed all but seven lights. The ballfield lights will have to be done by someone other than the department because the boom truck will not reach high enough.
“We had a lady speaking here last time about the flooding over by Larry’s groceries. We did not make contact with one another like we were supposed to. We did go through and on the apartments behind there on Rose Street and Cherry Street, we didn’t know there were storm drains that run under the railroad tracks...we were cleaning the ditches on Cherry and a guy came up and talked to us and said, ‘You know on the back of these apartments they have storm drains.’ So we get back there digging around and we found three…we are waiting on Mother Nature to rain and see what good we did and if it doesn’t work we will go back in and try again,” Key said.
Committee chairman Councilman Matt Perrin said that the Main Street arches all have working lights in them now.
He also reported that Key is working with the county and state to help with roadwork that does not belong to the city.
During the Airport and Utilities Committee, sewer director Garry Carr reported that the manhole and the intersection of Lockard and Hollywood was completed for $9,800. He is currently getting a bid for concrete and labor work for the area after receiving one for $6,3000, which Carr believes is a little high.
Carr also reported that a blower went out at the South Wastewater Treatment plant and had it rebuilt at a cost of $3,264.