I know that I usually take this space as an opportunity to talk about some local goings-on in our community; however, I will instead be writing about what I would like to see in our community.
We need to stand together to change to outlook that everyone else has about Blytheville.
We can only do that together.
Blytheville is not a land of lawlessness and violence that many make it out to be. It is a rich community filled with many incredible people and many more incredible opportunities.
It is my wish that those details be what others see of our city, but that will only ever be the case if everyone commits to making Blytheville better.
We need to come together as a community and start promoting Blytheville’s best qualities while simultaneously condemning those who fan the flames for its worst. I want to see Blytheville return to being a community that people seek out to visit and not one that stimulates fear.
We can make Blytheville a better place to live and a better place to come to if we all start doing what is right.
What is right will mean different things for different people, however.
For those that continuously talk down this city and can’t ever find anything nice to say about it, the right thing for you to do is change your attitude.
For those that our attempting to use the fall of Blytheville as a way to make money or receive personnel gain, you need to leave town. For those that are involved in the criminal element of this town, you need to decide if you really enjoy the life you live, or if you want better for you and your families.
If all of us stand together and with a positive attitude try to make real change in this community, then I believe that we can do it, but it will never happen unless we all try.
I hear some people talk about how Blytheville used to be years ago, decades ago and based on what they say it was a better place to be in.
I don’t want to be talking about Blytheville by the time I get older as a place that used to be a town because we refused to do anything to help it.