March 20, 2019

The 2018-2019 Manila FFA Alumni Dinner/Auction held Friday, March 15, drew a large crowd at the Manila Airport Community Center. This was the 21st annual event to raise funds for scholarships for Manila graduates. A pork steak dinner was prepared by Dale Woody and served by members of the Manila FFA and Alumni members...

The 2018-2019 Manila FFA Alumni Dinner/Auction held Friday, March 15, drew a large crowd at the Manila Airport Community Center. This was the 21st annual event to raise funds for scholarships for Manila graduates.

A pork steak dinner was prepared by Dale Woody and served by members of the Manila FFA and Alumni members.

Grahm Agee, Manila FFA adviser, welcomed everyone thanking the Alumni Association for all of their work. He thanked businesses and individuals for their contributions and everyone who came out to support the project.

The duck call made in memory of Dale Poag went to the highest bidder Scott Towles and daughter, Logan.
The duck call made in memory of Dale Poag went to the highest bidder Scott Towles and daughter, Logan.

Sammy Williams, Manila High School graduate and former Manila FFA member, gave his time and and talent to auction over 100 items.

Manila FFA members made several of the items including a Duck's Unlimited bench, flag pole holder, trailer hitch, patio table, and several metal cutouts.

The auction was kicked off with a u-pick it ticket drawing. Tickets were $20 and the winner had the opportunity to choose any item. Eddie McCallie won the drawing and chose the Marathon hot water heater.

The young people enjoyed bidding on the “kids only” items.

Ten turkey calls were auctioned giving the winners a chance to win an AR-15. Also, eight duck calls were auctioned for a shotgun drawing.

A memorial duck call, in memory of Dale Poag, was made and donated by Muddy Mallard. Poag was a Manila High School graduate and longtime Manila FFA adviser for 37 years. He was instrumental in creating the Alumni Association dinner/auction for scholarships. Mr. Poag passed away in 2009. The memorial duck call, FFA stamp, and FFA emblem was in a wooden box. The cover of the box was inscribed with: In Loving Memory of Dale Edmond Poag, 1972 – 2009; mentor, friend, teacher. Learning to Do, Doing to Learn. Learning to live, Living to serve.

The memorial duck call sold for $475 to high bidders Scott Towles and daughter Logan.

Many young people have been awarded scholarships over the last 20 years thanks to the hard work of the alumni members and generosity of the community.
