March 16, 2019

By JOSEPH FONDREN NEA Town Courier Wednesday afternoon, the Arkansas Northeastern College Board of Trustees called a joint Building Committee and Landscaping/ Facilities Committee to discuss renovating the Adams-Vines Library and the proposed landscaping plan for the Spring 2019...


NEA Town Courier

Wednesday afternoon, the Arkansas Northeastern College Board of Trustees called a joint Building Committee and Landscaping/ Facilities Committee to discuss renovating the Adams-Vines Library and the proposed landscaping plan for the Spring 2019.

Last year, during the budgeting process ANC President Dr. James Shemwell stated they budgeted $75,000 for phase one of an upgrade to the library.

According to Shemwell, the library is the same as it was when it first opened more than 27 years ago.

“It is one of the few areas of campus that we have not updated and so we are recommending an update with this,” Shemwell said.

Shemwell added that architect A.C. Williams has came up with the designs and contacted contractors for both painting and carpet work. Shemwell stated those bids will open on Tuesday, March 19.

The project is set to begin about the middle of May or the middle or end of June.

Physical Plant director Scott Creecy said he spoke with contracts earlier in the day and the painters who anticipate three to four days, while the carpenters estimate three weeks.

Shemwell added that the idea of libraries aren’t the same as they were just a few years ago and that with the renovation it is an “idea to modernize the library.”

Shemwell stated that he is anticipating putting phase two in the upcoming budget if they can get it balanced.

Shemwell noted that phase two will cost roughly $75,000 as well and will include redoing the lighting and redoing the window film. They also plan on redoing the furniture. They will keep the existing tables but will add new seating, while also making study rooms in the library.

The Building Committee unanimously approved the project.

In the second meeting, Shemwell stated that he has in the budget $5,000 for the Spring 2019 landscaping. He has two projects that he plans to do within the $5,000 budget and that Red Barn Gardens will do the landscaping.

The first project is to connect the new Center for Allied Technologies with the rest of the campus. The plan is to put four “Kettler” juniper trees, 12 “drift popcorn” rose bushes and eight “wintergreen” boxwood bushes.

The juniper tree he wants it to be cut to look more like a bonsai tree and keep it trimmed up.

The total amount for the first project will cost a total of $2,820 plus sales tax.

The second landscaping project will bring life to the new road— Allied Tech Drive. Shemwell stated this will provide “landmarks” and be more “pleasing to the eye”. There is currently a stop sign there and there will be flower beds on both sides of Allied Tech Drive as you turn on the road.

In both beds, there will be six “drift popcorn” roses, one Eastern Redbud tree and three “Rose Creek” Abelia bushes.

Shemwell added that the plants will not obstruct the view of traffic.

The second project will cost $2,140 plus sales tax.

Together the projects will $4,960 plus sales tax.

Board member Lowry Robinson made the motion to accept the proposed Spring 2019 landscaping plan and Dr. Tommie Westbrook seconded.
