A special called Manila City Council meeting was held Monday, March 4.
Council approved the first round of raises for city employees.
The council approved a $1 an hour raise for city employees Joe Chipman, Kenny Tune, Don Skaggs and Michael Skaggs.
Mayor Wagner said they will look at other employee raises at the next meeting.
Council members present were Jason Baltimore, Wendell Poteet, William Barnhart, Donnie Wagner and Steven Milligan. Dale Murphy was absent.
The council discussed the purchase of a track hoe to address drainage
and ways to fund it. One possibility was $1 a month increase on solid
waste customers. No action was taken.
The handbook was discussed and changes will be presented at the next council meeting. The council will be addressing sick days and vacation days for future employees.
Former Manila Police Officer Jared Camp (now with the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department) had asked Chief Chris Hill about purchasing his old vest and service revolver.
Chief Hill said Camp is willing to pay $50 for the vest and $150 for the
weapon. The vest was custom made for Camp and is out of date. The weapon was purchased 17 or 18 years ago.
The council agreed with Milligan, they did not have any problems with
letting him have the vest at no cost and they asked the mayor to check on any regulations or restrictions on selling or giving a weapon away.
Mayor Wagner asked the council to report any calls on drainage so it can be checked.
“We had a lot of water,” Mayor Wagner said. “It moved quickly. We still have problems east of the school. We will look at getting right of ways to dig ditches on both sides. We will check on the elevation near Dr. Wilson’s dental office. The highway department has dug out ditches near the Country Club.