February 1, 2019

Gosnell head football coach Brandon Barbaree had accepted the Fountain Lake head coaching job. “I accepted a job at Fountain Lake High School in Hot Springs,” Barbaree told the NEA Town Courier. “I think it’s a good opportunity for my family and me. ...

Gosnell head football coach Brandon Barbaree has accepted the Fountain Lake head coaching job.

“I accepted a job at Fountain Lake High School in Hot Springs,” Barbaree told the NEA Town Courier. “I think it’s a good opportunity for my family and me. It’s close to my family. My dad lives six miles away. Really think that is what is best for me and my kiddos as they get older and my parents get older and everything else. I do appreciate everything that Gosnell has done for me. It has been a great job and great people here. Excellent kids, as good of kids as anywhere I have ever been and I just really appreciate everything that everyone has done for me.”

Coach Barbaree’s wife, Jennifer Barbaree, is the Armorel School District superintendent. She plans to remain in that position until the end of the school year.

Coach Barbaree became the Gosnell football head coach in the summer of 2016, compiling a 26-11 record at the school. Barbaree’s Pirates went 4-3 in the playoffs, including back-to-back elite eight appearances. His son, Brett, was also apart of the team as he played quarterback, defensive end and tight end.

“They have been as good to me as any place I have ever been. You know, I had a unique relationship because I had my son here the whole time with me and everybody has taken us in kind of like family and it’s always felt right. It’s always felt good,” Coach Barbaree said. “The kids here have been great to me, played hard, showed up. I never worried about much with them just because they have been so consistent and so good for me. Like I said, I appreciate everything that they have done and I don’t know any kids anywhere else that were better than these that I coached. Like I said they are as good as kids as I have ever seen.”

The Gosnell School District hasn’t made an official statement as of press time Friday, but when asked about the next head coach of the Pirates Barbaree stated they have a good staff .

“Coach [Robert] Henderson, Coach [Mark Queary] and Coach [Nathan] Brewer, we have a good staff,” added Barbaree. “I believe Coach Henderson is one of the best football coaches I’ve ever seen. If Gosnell can get him to become the next football coach, they need to go for him now because he is as good as you can get. I think he deserves it, and I think he’s been there the last two years where he has led our kids on defense. Just been a great coach and great person for the kids. Of course, I have a personal thing in that because I know how good he is because I have gotten to work with him, and he’s a great guy. I think he’d be a great head coach for this place.”

Jennifer Barbaree sent an email to the faculty at Armorel Friday morning, which reads “Dear faculty, I am not a fan of email news; however, this is the quickest way to reach everyone in our district. I would like to personally confirm the news that my husband has taken a job at Fountain Lake. In a whirlwind of a day my husband was offered the football head coach position at Fountain Lake, and was hired less than 24 hours later. Because this has happened so quickly, I have not had the opportunity to speak with all of my family, so don't feel bad that you weren't the first to know.”

“At this time, I am not sure of what employment I will have for next school year,’ she continued. “I have not decided to resign my position. I know I will be acting as Armorel Superintendent until the end of this school year.  I will be working with our administration and school board to make sure all is well at Armorel. I love our students, faculty, and community. Armorel School District is my number one professional priority. I absolutely support my husband and our family move, but please do not doubt my love for Armorel. Like everyone involved, Brett, Brynnlee, and Baxley are highly affected by this move as well. They are our kids, so they know the expectation of supporting family. That doesn't mean they understand the situation fully and/or want to move. This is a tough time for them, so thank you in advance for seeing them as children and being a smiling face when they need it. There is never the right time for everyone. There is only God's timing. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. As I will be praying for the right person to step in and continue to lead and love this great place.”
