Manila School Board went into executive session immediately following the approval of the minutes and financial report at the January meeting held Thursday.
The board voted unanimously to extend Superintendent Jason Ever’s contract to 2021. All board members, Jeremy Jackson, Johnny McCain, Tommy Wagner, Tracey Reinhart, Casey Wells, Monte Middleton and Dan Robbins, were present.
Evers recommended the board accept the resignation of Tracey Thompson, high school teacher. The board voted 7-0 to accept the resignation.
The board then voted unanimously to hire Cynthia Lovell to fill the
position for the remainder of the school year.
The board approved a transfer of $13,987.18 from the secondary workforce education fund from the 2017-2018 school year to the building fund.
Evers announced the school will be hosting the senior high girls and boys district tournament.
“We will be doing updates around the gymnasium,” Evers said. “Work will begin next week and it will be finished in time for the tournament.”
Evers was also pleased with the perfect attendance numbers for the certified staff.
"We gave 114 attendance checks at the end of the first nine weeks and
108 at the end of the second quarter,” Evers said. “We had 59 with perfect attendance and 49 receive a partial check.”
He went on to say the substitute pay is down $13,000 from the same time last year.
Evers also said he had heard positive comments about the school start-up of the trap team.
Jackson, president of the board, asked if members had seen the state
school board magazine. The new Manila High School was used on the back cover for the Nabholtz ad.
McCain asked about the attendance.
“As of today we had 1045, slightly down from earlier in the year,” Evers
said. “It is up from 1039 at the same time last year. It seems to drop at this time of year and usually picks up a few by the end of the year.
If the trend holds true we may finish with 1050.”