December 29, 2018

As we here at the office sit around compiling our last edition of the Blytheville Courier News and the first edition of the NEA Town Courier, it has given me an opportunity to look back at this past year and reflect on its events. It has certainly been an eventful year for better or worse. We’ve seen new opportunities and reasons to believe in the future like Nucor’s expansion and Arkansas Northeastern College’s new Center for Allied Technology...

As we here at the office sit around compiling our last edition of the Blytheville Courier News and the first edition of the NEA Town Courier, it has given me an opportunity to look back at this past year and reflect on its events.

It has certainly been an eventful year for better or worse. We’ve seen new opportunities and reasons to believe in the future like Nucor’s expansion and Arkansas Northeastern College’s new Center for Allied Technology.

We’ve seen joyous events, horrendous crimes and new politicians rise and fall. It has been a long year and its events will surely bring many changes into 2019.

We will surely see many new events and changes occur in the coming months and throughout this year. At least, I have to hope that we will because otherwise, I may be out of a job. I enjoy getting a chance to inform all of those who read my news articles and getting the opportunity to express my thoughts on those events in these columns.

I’ve used my columns to talk about quite a bit this year starting with commentary on the actions of the Blytheville City Council and ending with this reflection.

I’ve discussed promising new businesses, the importance of voting and being informed, the issues with the Blytheville library, the Blytheville School Board and so much more.

I stand behind everything that I’ve said this year and I want everyone to know that I plan to continue to write about what I believe is important in this community.

I know that not everyone likes to hear my opinion and what I have to say, but I believe that is important for us to express our thoughts and opinions in a professional manner. I look forward to continue to write weekly under the new banner of the NEA Town Courier.

I hope you will continue to read my columns and continue to keep up with events and happenings in the community through our reporting and discussion.
