Lake City Council approved an annexation ordinance, gave end of year bonuses, recognized City Clerk Linda Simpson and reviewed Intergovernmental Agreement with the Craighead County (jail bill) at the Dec. 17 meeting.
The council approved Ordinance 301-29 approving annexation of certain contiguous lands to the city limits.
Mayor Jon Milligan asked the council to consider giving a year-end bonus to the Lake City Fire Department Responders as requested by Fire Chief Chris Snyder. Bonuses were approved in the amounts of Bryan Wells, $150; Cole Winford, $150; Ron Nunnally, $250; Terry Fitzgerald, $100; Scott Hutton, $100; and Herb Davis Jr. $100. The council then voted to give Chief Snyder a $600 bonus.
Mayor Milligan presented a salary schedule and scale for all employees. The mayor and clerk salary will remain the same as in 2018. After a brief discussion, council approved the salary schedule and scale as presented.
The council then voted to give one and a half percent bonuses to the employees who have topped out including Tommy Mann, $563.47; Winred Saffell, $723.77; Richard Varner, $616.82; and Connie Collins, $471.74.
Mayor Milligan reviewed the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Lake City and Craighead County (jail bill). The council accepted the agreement unanimously.
Legislative audit for 2017 was passed with no findings.
Christmas lighting contest winners are Dallas Book, first place, $100; Jennie Peaster, second place, $75; and James Tompkins, third place, $50.
Mayor Milligan presented the city clerk/treasurer Simpson with a plaque from the city for her dedicated service. Simpson is retiring at the end of the year. She has served the citizens of Lake City for 12 years.
The next regular council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21, at city hall.