Manila City Council members worked through a short agenda at the Monday, Nov. 26, meeting.
Mayor Wayne Wagner informed the council Chief of Police James Skinner plans to retire Dec. 28. Mayor Wagner said he has been interviewing to fill the position.
The council discussed taking bids for equipment and other uses for a $20,000 Walmart grant received for the new Senior Center.
The new fire truck console, control box the council voted to purchase at the last meeting has arrived and should be installed within a week.
A Christmas meal for city employees will be held Dec. 18.
Mayor Wagner asked the council to consider renting the renovated swimming pool building at the city park, saying it would be a good place for birthday parties or showers. He suggested a $50 rental with $25 deposit. He suggested they think about it and discuss it more at the next meeting which will be moved up one week due to Christmas.
The December meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 17.
Following a short executive meeting, the council voted to make Jason Ford full time and he will be eligible for insurance beginning in January.