December 4, 2018

Buffalo Island Central School Board officially gifted the City of Leachville, Arkansas, the old school gymnasium with .44 acres of property during the regular board meeting Thursday, Nov. 29. School attorney Johnny Dunigan was on hand to answer questions about the quit claim deed. ...

Superintendent Gaylon Taylor and BIC Board of Directors review old school gymnasium deed with attorney Johnny Dunigan. (Photo by Nan Snider)
Superintendent Gaylon Taylor and BIC Board of Directors review old school gymnasium deed with attorney Johnny Dunigan. (Photo by Nan Snider)

Buffalo Island Central School Board officially gifted the City of Leachville, Arkansas, the old school gymnasium with .44 acres of property during the regular board meeting Thursday, Nov. 29.

School attorney Johnny Dunigan was on hand to answer questions about the quit claim deed. Superintendent Gaylon Taylor explained the deed covered five feet from all sides of the existing building. No parking lots surrounding the gymnasium are included, but the school will allow the city usage. The property is to be used for specified city purposes only. Should it become vacant or not used for the specified purposes, then it will revert back to the school. The liability responsibility is all the city's. All utilities will be removed from the school’s name by Dec. 15.

Taylor reported the high school has moved successfully into the new facility in Monette.

“We still have some painting to do, and replacement of damaged desks,” Taylor said. “We have 456 more chairs coming, some tile work yet to do, bus loading plan to implement, and ventilation for agri shop. I feel that the transition went fairly smooth. The students especially like the cafeteria decor, with cable T.V. and high backed chairs. Lots of little things will need finishing, but that is to be expected. I told the teachers to make a list, and not give up on getting things done. The tech lab is very successful, and a commemorative plaque will be placed there to honor contributors Melda and Russell Strickland.”

No plans have been made yet for a high school open house.

Taylor said there had been some water issues at the elementary school at Leachville, but sealant had been pulled and redone. No water problems occurred after the last rain. Sidewalk grades will be checked for proper drainage.

The council is looking at ways to lock off the entrance into the elementary classroom area when the gymnasium is being used after hours. Several options were discussed.

The board accepted the resignation of pre-school teacher Lela Ashley. They approved Kimberly Howard to fill that position, effective Dec. 23.

The board voiced concerns about the power line issue at the softball field. Lines run across and through the field. Poles and electrical replacement may be necessary. A new score board has been ordered for $10,000.

Director Jason Stewart thanked the board for the donation of a used construction beam to ASU’s College of Engineering.

Superientendent Taylor reported teacher Bruce Fires had showed his students how to skin and dress out a deer and said students learn useful skills from demonstrations like that.

The board of directors will be attending state training sessions next week in Little Rock. Board member Stacy Thomas will be receiving special recognition for his 50 hours of training during the session.

The 2019 BIC graduation date has been set for May 11, with the time to be announced. The BIC students voted again not to hold baccalaureate services.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held Dec. 20 at the high school tech lab.
