Lake City Mayor Jon Milligan introduced Michael Boggs at the Oct. 22 council meeting. Boss is the engineer for Jeff and Jared Cooper, owners of property recently purchased from the Bowers family. Mr. Boggs answered questions pertaining to the new subdivision to be built on the property.
Council member and chair of the planning and zoning committee brought a recommendation from the committee to accept the plans for Phase I of Lakewood Landing Subdivision.
The council voted unanimously to approve the plans.
All council members, Tommy Eakins, Harold Barker, Brenda Hutcheson, Mike George, Danny Dunigan and Toby Rand, were present.
The council accepted and approved the 2017-2018 water audit for the city.
The council then approved Ordinance No. 302-18 (by suspending the rules and reading by title only on three readings). The ordinance imposed regulations, restrictions, fees, and taxes on the manufacturing, transporting, storing, handling, receiving, distributing, selling, serving or dispensing of any controlled beverage within the city of Lake City.
City Clerk Linda Simpson read Resolution No. 2018-122, the city millage resolution which was approved unanimously.
After a lengthy discussion, council members voted to give all full time employees an end of the year bonus of $450 and part-time $250.
Mayor Milligan said the Veterans Memorial Day was a huge success. He announced the Christmas parade will be Dec. 1 with line up at 5-5:30 p.m. The parade will start at 6 p.m. Anyone needing more information may contact Daniel Haynes.
The next council meeting will be 5:30 p.m. Nov. 19, at City Hall.