October 24, 2018

The Mississippi County Quorum Court’s Finance Committee met Monday to continue the process for the 2019 budget. Harold Benham from the Road Department was present to answer questions. County Judge Dr. Terri Brassfield stated they will be building a bridge, which is estimated to be around $500,000. ...

The Mississippi County Quorum Court’s Finance Committee met Monday to continue the process for the 2019 budget.

Harold Benham from the Road Department was present to answer questions. County Judge Dr. Terri Brassfield stated they will be building a bridge, which is estimated to be around $500,000. Brassfield put this money in a CD last year and will be pulling it out to fix the bridge. She also stated that they will be fixing two culverts that are roughly $8,000 apiece. When asked about the crane that the road department owns, Benham explained that the current crane was built in 1966 and has been worked on several times.

Finance Chairman Michael White said it was a good proposed budget and had a good plan.

Mississippi County 911 Coordinator David Lendennie gave the budget for the Emergency 911 Department.

White explained that there didn’t seem to be any major changes to the budget but asked if they would need any new equipment.

Lendennie said they just updated equipment in early 2018, so they should be good for the next five years.

In the solid waste budget, the county is in the black, according to Brassfield, and cut salaries $100,000 for next year.

There was also discussion dealing with County Assesor Harley Bradley’s continued request of wanting to raise salaries of his employees. White addressed the issues he had with the other justices. However, Bradley was unable to attend the meeting so it will be addressed again in the next budget meeting.

District Clerk Leslie Mason explained she hasn’t moved into the new building yet and Justice Bill Nelson said he is still speaking with the owner on the lease agreement.

Sheriff Dale Cook said his budget should be ready for next week’s budget meeting.

The county heard from architect Aaron Ruby Tuesday afternoon and discussed the pros and cons of renovating the current courthouse or rebuilding a new courthouse. There was also a QC meeting held Tuesday night at the Osceola Courthouse.
