A group of community volunteers, wishing to remain anonymous, have gone about creating and stocking the Mustang Corral Clothes Closet.
The new clothes closet is located in one of the rooms at the former Buffalo Island Central East Elementary building on the Leachville campus. It officially opened Monday, Oct. 8.
The new Mustang Corral will serve to meet needs of students in P-K through the sixth grade. The room is set up like a retail store with different departments, racks, signs and a dressing room.
Dr. Kima Stewart, BIC elementary principal, said they have always had a few random donations and left-over coats no one claimed but this is a first on a large scale.
In addition to a variety of clothing of all sizes, there is a good supply of toiletries including toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo and deodorants. New underwear and socks will be available in stock. Shoes, boots, coats, scarves and gloves will be ready to distribute before the cold weather.
“Many people have contributed to making this happen and helped us supply such a well stocked clothes closet,” one volunteer said. “Area churches have been great. All of the racks have been donated.”
Opening day the closet was able to help a child when her shoe broke. Her size was available.
“The former East Elementary building is being used by pre-kindergarten, mental health services, occupational and physical therapy and now the clothes closet has been added,” Dr. Stewart said. “It is a good use for the vacant room.”
Two of the volunteers take all of the clothes, clean and steam each item and hang each piece according to size.
“We want the room to have a store atmosphere,” Dr. Stewart said. “We want students to be able to come in and choose what they like.”
The clothes closet will meet the everyday needs of students as well as the unexpected.
“Unfortunately we have burn-outs occasionally and this will help get the children clothed,” Dr. Stewart said. “We also have new people who come from different climates and they do not have the warm clothes needed.”
The group is asking for new or gently used clothing, new underwear/socks, shoes, coats, scarves and toiletries. Monetary donations will also be accepted and will be used to keep a good supply of toiletries and underwear.
Donation boxes are located in Monette at Centennial Bank, city hall, and Baptist, Assembly of God and Methodist churches.
Donations boxes are located in Leachville at Knotty Boutique and East Elementary campus.
Persons having a need may call the office at 870-539-6448.
“We have been overwhelmed by the support of the community all around us,” one volunteer said. “This is not for our recognition but for the kids.”