September 18, 2018

Riverside School Board approved the 2018-2019 budget, approved student transfers, approved an assistant baseball coach, and voted to purchase a 14 passenger bus at the Monday, Sept. 10, meeting. Superintendent Jeff Priest presented the proposed budget for the year...

Riverside School Board approved the 2018-2019 budget, approved student transfers, approved an assistant baseball coach, and voted to purchase a 14 passenger bus at the Monday, Sept. 10, meeting.

Superintendent Jeff Priest presented the proposed budget for the year.

“We have been working on it for several months,” Priest said. “We are conservative on the revenue end and high on the expenditures. We ended this year with $971,000 after a transfer to the building fund. Hopefully, the projected budget will come in the same.”

It was pointed out the food service started at $6,200 and ended with $36,000 last year.

Priest said adding the second chance breakfast had helped. He also noted a fourth cafeteria worker has been added this year.

“Starting ahead is good,” Priest said.

Priest is hoping to get a generator for the high school cafeteria. The East and West Elementary cafeterias are equipped with generators.

The board voted unanimously to approve the proposed budget.

Board members present were Lenn B. Nall, Greg Douglas, Greg Smith and Rick Austin.

Priest expressed his appreciation to the county for their help in paving the road out from West Elementary.

“The county did the work and the district only had to pay for the asphalt,” Priest said. “It was money well spent. I think the teachers really appreciate it.”

The board voted unanimously to approve Kevin Mulholland as assistant baseball coach to Coach Nick Brown.

Priest presented student transfer requests and recommended the board approve the transfer of Allison Spencer to Jonesboro and Mateo Paz to Manila. Two students, Brice and Nathan Hodge, requested to transfer to Riverside from Nettleton.

The board unanimously approved all four requests.

Priest explained to the board the small passenger bus, which is handicapped accessible, is needed on campus daily to accommodate a student. The bus had been used for activities for small groups.

He said the district is sometimes having to run a full size bus for six or eight students.

Priest recommended the purchase of a small passenger bus to be used for activities. He presented three quotes. He pointed out the driver of the small bus will not be required to have a CDL license and the district will save on fuel and having to have a licensed driver. Also, after one more payment, the district will have all of its buses paid for and they are all in good condition.

The board accepted the bid in the amount of $53,187.04 for a 2018 Chevrolet, 14 passenger bus built by Thomas.

Priest said it comes with cameras installed and it can be delivered by the end of the week.

High School Principal Matt Ziegler said the activity bus will be used almost daily.

It will be paid for out of the operating fund.

Priest also informed the board all of the buses had passed the recent inspection.

In other business:

*The board reviewed the salary list of teachers or staff with an increase of 5 percent salary. Priest explained the state mandates comparisons on all increases of 5 percent or more. The increase can be due to a teacher receiving a masters degree; going full time from part time; taking on more duties, etc. Salary increases of over 5 percent are required to be noted and approved by the board.

*The board voted unanimously to continue with the Arkansas School Board Association agreement to monitor and present all policy changes due any new laws. This ensures the district is up to date on all changes. The cost for the service is $900 a year.

*Priest announced this year's graduation will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 5. “I have heard good comments about having the graduation on Sunday afternoon,” Priest said. “This gives people from out of town the opportunity to attend.”

*Board training dates will be Oct. 9 and Nov. 1 in Harrisburg. Priest asked the board to let him know at the next meeting which one they plan to attend.

*Meet the Rebels night will be held Oct. 5; West Elementary will host the fall festival from 5-7 p.m. Oct. 5; and East Elementary from 5-7 p.m. on Oct. 11.

*Nall said he had been approached by a person asking if the district would consider selling any of the property on the east campus not being used. Priest said he hoped the old elementary building would be torn down soon. He said the west end is not being used and he would be willing to talk and listen to anyone about the property.

*Priest expressed his appreciation to the workers for moving the playground equipment to the new location on the east campus. He said they even made a kick ball field for the students. “I have received favorable comments,” Priest said.

*A discussion was held, but no action was taken, on the possibility of adding awnings to the bus shed. The district has seven routes with two shuttle buses. Priest said all of the buses on the route are in good condition.

*West Elementary Principal LeeAnn Harrell expressed her appreciation for the renovations of the bathrooms in the west building.

*During the financial review, Priest said the agri/shop department had received a new plasma cutter. He said to repair the old one to get it up to code for the students would have cost almost half as much as a new one.

*Austin asked what the district planned to do with the old slides at the playground on the Caraway campus. Priest said the slides have been donated to the upcoming auction scheduled for Saturday night. The auction will raise money for a scholarship in memory of Emmalei Utley, a senior who died in a car accident just before the 2018 graduation. The goal is to raise $5,000 and give a $500 scholarship each year for 10 years.

*The next regular board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 1, in the board room at the administration office.
