Water issues was one of the main topics discussed at the Caraway City Council meeting on Thursday, Sept. 13.
Mayor Barry Riley presented a probable cost estimate prepared by Miller Newell for a new well. The city is presently purchasing water from Buffalo Island Rural Water District.
Cost estimate for a new well, Clearwell, aerator with tower, yard piping, high service pumps, interior piping, meter, telemetry, electric, contingency fund, engineering, inspection, testing, legal fees, interest and AIS management, totals $1,267,742.
Water superintendent Terry Couch said the cost estimate is not the bid process. It is the first step in finding funding for the project.
Couch went on to say the Clearwell was built in the 1940s. It is $250,000 of the total project.
“It would be a good idea to take care of it in the project if it can be funded,” Couch said. “It could be the next thing to go down.”
Caraway citizen Jerry Murphy expressed his thoughts the engineering fee estimate ($92,910) is way too high saying surely the city officials could find someone to do the work for less. Murphy went on to say the people of Caraway cannot afford the cost.
“I am well aware we can't spend that much money,” Couch said.
He went on to say once the city acquires a loan and/or grant to fund the project, then bids will be taken.
“We have to find people to fund this,” Couch said.
“My sewer bill went from $39 to $76,” Murphy said. “Where is the water bills going?”
Councilman Mitchell Tipton agreed the estimated cost line by line is astronomical but pointed out it is not a bid.
Mayor Riley said USDA will not take any action until the cost estimate is turned in and then it goes to waste water advisory council.
Tipton asked if the council would have any say so on the project once the process starts.
Couch said the city is still purchasing water from Buffalo Island Water. The monthly cost should be less since the pressure valves had been put in.
Councilman Bo James said the decision made by the council will affect the citizens for 40 years.
Mayor Riley mentioned other options such as passing a bond issue with a one cent sales tax.
Couch said another option would be for city officials to meet with the Buffalo Island Board to see if they will continue to sell the city water and at what cost.
Tipton asked if the city's sales tax could be redirected to pay for the project,
Couch said Buffalo Island is doing well providing the city with water through this emergency time.
“Is there is time limit we can purchase from from Buffalo Island Water?” Alderman Roger Williams asked.
Couch said the council may want to go to a meeting and talk to them. He said getting a new well will be a long process and everyone will have to work together to get it done.
It was suggested to have a town meeting once all the options are researched to inform citizens so they will understand what is going on with the city water.
Following more discussion, Williams made a suggestion to table the issue until the next meeting giving them time to gather facts.
“We always hope for grants but grants will not be approved until after loan process,” Mayor Riley said.
In other business:
*The council approved reimbursement to the park commission for fence repairs and the purchase of a lawn mower. Councilman James expressed his appreciation to John Deere for giving the city a good price on the mower.
*The board accepted his resignation of Caleb Waugh from the Park Commission. Park Commissioner Chair Jeremy Garland said the commission had agreed on Kyle Vaughn to fill the vacancy. The council voted unanimously to approve the appointment.
*Garland is meeting with an elecrician to look at wires and breakers for lights at the ballpark. He also said the focus has been on the big ballpark and the commission wants to start looking at improvements at the playground area. Council gave approval to move a slide on the property to the playground area.
*Councilman James said he had received several complaints about dogs. "I was told the city, the police and the mayor had been called and nothing had been done." Mayor Riley said he has ridden a bicycle by the house over the last couple of weeks and the dog has been on a leash or in the house. A citizen asked if Caraway has a leash law and the answer was yes. Several other citizens present commented on dogs running loose, especially in the afternoons.
*Mayor Riley was asked about gutters and windows for the old dress factory. Riley said he had a company coming to give an estimate.
*Mr. Murphy said there was a house on the corner of Tennessee and Highway 139 that needs mowing.
*Councilman Tipton said pine needles are dropping on and around the air conditioning unit and on the roof of city hall. He said it needs to be cleaned off.
Caraway City Council meets at 6 p.m. the second Thursday of each month.