September 15, 2018

As we get closer and closer to November 6, every action by our candidates is having higher political motivation. Every photo-op, phone call and Facebook post made on their pages might as well be screaming, "IT'S ME! I'M THE BEST ONE! PICK ME!" and I guess that is to be expected...

As we get closer and closer to November 6, every action by our candidates is having higher political motivation.

Every photo-op, phone call and Facebook post made on their pages might as well be screaming, "IT'S ME! I'M THE BEST ONE! PICK ME!" and I guess that is to be expected.

However, I urge you again to look past the nonsensical screaming and pay attention to your candidates’ actions be they incumbents or non-incumbents.

You as the voter need to analyze your candidates very harshly before you make a decision at the polls this fall. I'm urging everyone not just to vote for the person that has the best handshake or seems "trustworthy."

Voters need to get out there and do their homework on these people because they can either help lead our community into prosperity or damage it beyond repair. We need the prosperous ones.

Personally, I think beyond simply analyzing the candidates individually we also need to be able to stack their qualities against each other and measure how they compare and differ. One of the best ways to do that, in my opinion, is to have the candidates participate in live political debates.

It just so happens that in the coming weeks, we at the CN will be holding debates for the offices of Mississippi County Judge; Mississippi County Sheriff; Blytheville City Council Ward 1, Position 2; Blytheville City Council Ward 2, Position 2; and Blytheville Mayor.

These debates are an important part of the political process, and they offer a good opportunity for you, the voters, to see how your candidates handle themselves outside of shaking hands and asking for votes.

All that being said, it upsets me to inform you that not all candidates have agreed to participate in our debate. While some have yet to officially give an answer others have straight up refused and I find that disappointing.

While I will not name which candidates have confirmed their participation, I will simply say this; if you find yourself curious about a particular race and wish to know more about the candidates for said race, I challenge you to call all candidates in said race and ask them if they are participating. I won't urge you to urge them to participate, though I think you should, I simply challenge you to decide whether or not you are satisfied with the answer they give. If you aren't satisfied with their answer, perhaps you should take that into account when you are standing in front of a ballot.

We will hold every political races’ debates so long as at least one candidate is there to answer questions; however, I believe they will be more to your benefit if all candidates for every race listed participate. If you do decide to call your candidates, do it quickly and perhaps urge others to as well. We have a lot to think about in this race and the more information that we have the better decisions we will be able to make when November comes.
