August 4, 2018

The Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce has intervened in the issue surrounding the local public library, where repairs to the HVAC system and the roof are likely to cost $300,000—a particularly urgent situation that could force closure of the library...

The Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce has intervened in the issue surrounding the local public library, where repairs to the HVAC system and the roof are likely to cost $300,000—a particularly urgent situation that could force closure of the library.

“We cannot let the library close, period,” noted Trey Hale, chamber president. “The public library is fundamental to the city. It is especially important considering our low literacy rates and it is a lifeline for our many families who cannot afford Internet access.”

Hale’s comments came at a meeting on Thursday, July 26, organized by the chamber. County Judge Terri Brassfield, Mayor James Sanders, library director Lowell Walters, City Finance Director John Callens and chamber director Liz Smith attended, along with representatives from the chamber and library boards.

According to Smith, the goal was to get all the players at one table and start sorting our solutions. “Our focus was on solving the dilemma at hand, finding short-term solutions and looking forward as well. We were not interested in revisiting how we got here—only how to move ahead. As a result, we really made progress.”

The group identified several barriers facing the library. First the Mississippi County Library System, while it is an entity, does not have 501c3 status with the IRS. “Without a 501c3, the library cannot borrow money or seek grants—they must have a tax designation, and once they are established as a charitable organization, lots of financial doors open,” said Smith.

The library will immediately set up the new organization.

In the most viable solution to its repair issues, the library would exercise a loan to finance repairs. Mechanics of the loan, including collateral and repayment plans, will be determined by additional research. “We agreed to research a few issues quickly and we expect that in less than a month, we will be taking big steps,” Hale continued. “This is a community that always does so much better when we come together. Judge Brassfield and Mayor Sanders are willing to help however they can, and the chamber brings the vast expertise of its members, who are tremendously generous with the community.”

Smith felt that the meeting was highly productive and symbolic of how community problems are best solved. “I think for Mr. Walters, who is new to the area and working very hard to build a good library, the meeting might have been refreshing. He saw first-hand how our people are willing to support each other. Say what you will about Blytheville, I just do not think you find better people anywhere. This problem will get resolved because the chamber, the city and the county will work together to make it happen.”
