Monette City Council met on Monday, July 23, and discussed maintenance, movement of welcome sign, potential hiring of policeman, and preparation for the Monette Night at the Park celebration.
Rusty Edmonds was hired to mow along former Highway 18, inside the city, for $300 per mile. Mayor Chub Qualls reported there are 2.1 miles of highway space on both the east and west sides of town to mow. Plans are to mow it three times a year, like the work done by the Arkansas Highway Department.
Qualls reported the Highway Department will resurface the bridge on old Highway 18 east of town beginning in three or four weeks.
Property owner Genevieve Williams has agreed to allow the relocation of the “Welcome to Monette” sign onto her property on the southwest corner of the Highway 139-Highway 18 intersection.
Qualls reported the mosquito spraying effort has been very effective and proven to be a good investment. Spraying usually begins at 8 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week.
The city was contacted by Buffalo Island Central Superintendent Gaylon Taylor concerning a combined effort to hire a resource officer at the BIC High School, when in session, and for city use afterwards. This would mean the city would be hiring a fourth full-time police officer, with reimbursement from the school from 8:30 to 3:30 for the 180 days that school will be in session. The BIC school board will meet Thursday, July 26, and discuss how much they can pay for their use of the officer. The city council will meet later for a final decision on potential hiring.
The council agreed to use a Sanitation Department CD as collateral to secure a loan for the construction of the new police station.
The council reviewed contracts between the City of Monette and the Housing Authority concerning the contract between St. Bernard’s Medical Center and the Housing Authority concerning use and financial responsibility of operating the multi-purpose building for the senior citizen program.
“We do not feel we are in danger of losing the program but are hoping to get some state funding to help,” Qualls said. “We sure don’t want to lose it as it is a very good thing.”
The council voted to change the $91,000 General Fund CD from Bear State Bank to Centennial Bank. Mayor Qualls listed the current rate of interest for a Bear State Bank CD at 1.3% and Centennial is 1.85%.
Plans are to install an available generator at city hall for use as a power source when necessary for phones and computers.
City tornado sirens will be tested on Fridays by the Police Department.
Alderman Kristian Nuckles agreed to cut down the dead and damaged tree and limbs at the city park, with the city responsible for removing the debris.
Police Chief Brian Carmichael announced the annual Monette Night at the Park will be held from 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27.