August 1, 2018

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department. — Police arrested Avery Clayborn, 49, on possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) charges in the 1300 block of Howard. — Officers arrested Nathaniel Young on charges of possession of a firearm by certain persons (felon) during a traffic stoop in the 1100 block of Willow. Police found two handguns under the center console, according to the report...

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Friday, July 27

— Police arrested Avery Clayborn, 49, on possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) charges in the 1300 block of Howard.

— Officers arrested Nathaniel Young on charges of possession of a firearm by certain persons (felon) during a traffic stoop in the 1100 block of Willow. Police found two handguns under the center console, according to the report.

— Police arrested Marciko Hill on charges of domestic battery in the 2200 block of Birch. The report said Hill struck his girlfriend’s face several time, leaving knots.

— Officers arrested Geoffrey Spears, 52, on charges of theft (air conditioning unit) in the 500 block of Park Street.

— Police took a criminal mischief report in the 900 block of South 16th. A tire was cut.

— Police investigated a domestic battery in the 600 block of North 11th.

— Police took a theft of a vehicle report in the 2200 block of West McHaney.

— Officers took a theft report (windows) in the 2100 block of West McHaney.

Saturday, July 28

— Officers investigated an aggravated domestic assault in the 800 block of West McHaney. The offender allegedly “put a kitchen knife to (the victim’s) throat and said she was going to kill him. (The offender) then stuck (the victim) in the stomach with the knife. The knife went through (the victim’s) shirt and caused a small puncture wound to the left side of (the victim’s) stomach,” the report said.

— Officers investigated a domestic battery in the 1200 block of South Elm.

— Police took a criminal mischief report in the 2300 block of West Rose. A windshield was damaged, the back glass busted out and both driver side tires were flattened, according to the report.

— Officers cited Ronald Riley on charges of possession of a controlled substance (marijuana), suspended driver’s license, no insurance and fictitious tags during a traffic stop on North 21st.

— Police arrested Norderres McKillion, 23, and Tonya Newmy, 42 in the 2200 block of Kenwood. McKillion was arrested for fleeing on foot, resisting arrest and cited for improper parking; Newmy was arrested for hindering apprehension.

— Police took a breaking or entering report in the 1300 block of West Main. Missing were tools and a window air conditioning unit.

—Officers investigated a sexual assault report. The report said the offender sexually assaulted a 27-year-old autistic woman.

— Police investigated a breaking or entering in the 900 block of East Hollywood.

— Police arrested Tommy Eubanks and Johnathan Robinson during a traffic stop at Moultrie and Second streets. Both Eubanks and Robinson are charged with possession of a controlled substance (meth) and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Sunday, July 29

— Police took a criminal mischief report in the 4400 block of East Main.

— Police took a report of shooting in the 300 block of North Sixth. A window air conditioner was shot.

— Police took a theft report (mower and window air conditioner) in the 500 block of South Franklin.

— Police cited Honesty Holt on shoplifting charges at Walmart.

— Police arrested David Rodgers, 51, on fleeing on foot charges in the 2100 block of Edwards.

Monday, July 30

— Officers investigated a commercial burglary in the 1200 block of South Division. Officers arrested Michael Richardson, 32, in the case.

— Police took a criminal mischief report at GQ Fashions in the 600 block of East Main.

— Officers took a theft report (wallet) in the 1000 block of South Division.

— Police arrested Quincy Whitfield, 19, on charges of fleeing on foot.

— Officers took an identity theft report.

— Police took a harassment report in the 900 block of McDaniel.

— Officers took a theft report in the 300 block of Lakewood. A lawnmower was stolen.

— Police investigated a domestic assault in the 1000 block of South 21st.

— Officers took a theft report at M&D Outfitters on East Main.

— Police investigated a domestic assault in the 200 block of West Kentucky.

— Police arrested Brandon Clark, 37, on two failure to appear warrants and fleeing on foot in the area of Holland and East Ash.

— Police took a harassment report in the 400 block of West Ash.

— Police arrested Amanda Vernon, 35, on charges of possession of a controlled substance (crack) during a traffic stop.

— Police arrested Justin Sims, 26, on charges of domestic battery in the 2200 block of Birch.

— Officers took a breaking or entering report in the 400 block of Cedar Lane. A checkbook was stolen from the vehicle.

— Police took a breaking or entering report to a vehicle in the 1100 block of Terry Lane. A wallet and $40 cash were stolen.
