July 28, 2018

The Mississippi County Quorum Court met Tuesday and passed an appropriation ordinance for the purchase of a 2018 Chevrolet Traverse for the Juvenile Department, as well as an ordinance alllowing the county to do business with a county employee. The 2018 Chevrolet Traverse will cost $26,238.19 and will be paid with Juvenile Department funds...

The Mississippi County Quorum Court met Tuesday and passed an appropriation ordinance for the purchase of a 2018 Chevrolet Traverse for the Juvenile Department, as well as an ordinance alllowing the county to do business with a county employee.

The 2018 Chevrolet Traverse will cost $26,238.19 and will be paid with Juvenile Department funds.

Justice Bill Nelson made the motion to move for adoption and Justice Ken Kennemore seconded the motion.

Nelson said,” This appropriation that we are going to approve, I hope shortly. This is money that the judges have for an account that I think have about $80,000 in. This won’t cause them any heartache. The vehicle that they currently have is in poor shape, and they asked for us to appropriate it. It’s their money but we have to appropriate it.”

The motion passed unanimously.

The second ordinance passed was for the county to do business with an employee of the county. Mississippi County deputy Charles L. Brown is the owner of Brown’s Auto Glass, located in Leachville. The ordinance states, “ That Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department will use Brown’s Auto Glass of Leachville, Arkansas for glass-related needs for the Department.”

Nelson made the motion to move for adoption and Justice Aaron Fleeman seconded the motion. The ordinance passed unanimously.
