Riverside School Board filled several positions, accepted resignations, approved student handbook changes, elected officers and approved a new gymnasium floor at the June 9 meeting.
Superintendent Jeff Priest read three letters of resignations including Rhandi Lomax, elementary teacher; Renee Brickell, elementary teacher; and Linda Boatman, custodian manager. Priest explained Boatman wants to remain as custodian but does not want to be manager.
Board voted unanimously to accept the resignations.
Board members present included Len B. Nall, Rick Austin, Greg Douglas, Mike Brickell and Greg Smith.
The board voted unanimously to hire Ivory Wells, K-12 choir teacher; Kathrine Childers, first grade teacher; and Karen Bolt as school nurse.
The board voted to make no changes in the school board officers. Greg Smith will remain as president; Mike Brickell as vice president; and Len B. Nall as secretary.
The board accepted one legal transfer request from Brookland to Riverside. The student will be in the 11th grade.
High School Assistant Principal Jason Durham presented several minor changes in the student handbook. Most of the changes are wording to be more specific of when the use of cell phones will be allowed; no blankets were added to no sleepwear or house shoes allowed; tardies will be kept up with and addressed by Durham and students with six or more tardy days in a semester may lose their driving privileges; specific student parking areas; no over-sized trench coats were added to the dress code; and moving up days for the incentive program for exemption of semester test. The three days with an A will go to four days; two days and a B will go to three days and one day with a C will go to two days.
Steven Sanders, East elementary principal, gave a report on the kindergarten boot camp, a new program. The program gives incoming kindergarten students the opportunity to become familiar with the school. It was held Monday though Thursday from 9-11 a.m. Sanders said they had a good response, the children seemed to enjoy the time and the two hours went by quickly. The West campus will hold kindergarten book camp next week.
Priest also updated the board on the playground project on the Caraway campus. The playground equipment is being moved to the new elementary school area.
Priest expressed his appreciation for the area patrons who loaned their equipment and helped with the work. He said six basketball goals will be installed and the area will be fenced in.
“We appreciate Mayor Barry Riley for sending city employees to help haul dirt for the playground project," Priest said. "It will be a safe place for the students to play located near the new school."
The board voted on a new basketball court design and to have the floor completely refinished. Priest and Durham have been working on it with Gym Masters. Priest said they are also working on possible sponsors to help with the cost.
The life of a floor is about six to eight years. The Riverside floor is eight years old. The cost will be $25,175. The proposed water base finish will make it lighter.
Priest said the company can do the work in one week and can be here the first week in August.
In other business:
*The board voted to accept the school's improvement plan and submit it to the state. Brandi Wallace, district curriculum and federal programs coordinator, had talked to the board about the school report cards and the improvement plan.
*Fuel bids were accepted for Central Kwik Shop in Caraway and MFA in Lake City.
*Prairie Farms milk bids were accepted; and Bimbo bread bid was accepted.
*Open house will be held Tuesday, Aug. 7, in the high school. Seventh grade orientation will be held from 6-7 p.m. and open house will be from 7-8 p.m.; both east and west elementary schools will host open house on Aug. 9 from 6-8 p.m. Kindergarten through third grade will be from 6-7 p.m. and the fourth through sixth grades will be from 7-8 p.m. Priest said he hopes this will be more convenient for parents. Some parents have students in elementary and high school.
*Coach Buster Campbell will be inducted into the Arkansas Hall of Fame on Friday.
*Michael McBride will be at Riverside at 5 p.m. Aug. 6 for board training.
*During the financial review, Priest said the district finished the year with $970,000 after transferring $411,000 to the building fund. “We had a good year,” he said.
The next regular board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6.