The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.
— Police arrested Robert Young on possession of a controlled substance (crack cocaine and pills) during a traffic stop in the 1900 block of Chickasawba.
— Police took a theft report ($660) in the 500 block of North Franklin.
— Police took a theft report (credit card) in the 500 block of Parkway.
— Police took a fraudulent use of a credit card ($160) report.
— Officers took a theft report at Nibco. The report said a former employee, Kenneth Taylor, stole brass valves and other items from the company valued at $2,000. He was reportedly selling them to the Kennett Salvage Yard and reportedly admitted to taking a few valves to remodel his bathroom. He was terminated on May 30.
— Police arrested Brandon Robinson, 21, on charges of possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) and failure to appear in the 800 block of Robindale.
— Police arrested Angela Walker, 34, on charges of possession of a controlled substance (1.6 grams of meth) and theft of services during a traffic stop on 10th Street. “As I got behind the vehicle it immediately turned into a parking lot,” the report said. “I got behind the vehicle and as it was driving I observed something small and white leave the passenger side window of the vehicle, the vehicle stopped as I initiated a traffic stop on it. A white male began to approach the passenger side of the vehicle. While getting closer to the vehicle I hit a curb in the parking lot causing my back tire to go flat, when I struck the curb it made a loud noise causing the male to throw his hands in the air. His hands were open as I exited my vehicle. I gave verbal commands for the male to back away from the vehicle while I made contact with the occupants.” The officer said he could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and the driver said they had just dropped off someone who had been smoking marijuana in the truck earlier. The officer searched the vehicle. “I suspected Walker to be in possession of narcotics due to her criminal history with controlled substances and her behavior,” the report said. “She kept asking (one of the vehicle occupants) to call her family because she believed she was about to be arrested. She also kept apologizing to the driver saying she was sorry for getting him in trouble.” The officer reportedly found a small baggie of meth in the area where he believed the item landed.
— Officers took a theft report (television, UKC dog papers, a tablet, toy poodle and jewelry) in the 1700 block of Basin.
— Police took a theft report (electric meter) in the 100 block of West Clinton.
— Officers investigated a burglary in the 2400 block of Dallas.
— Police arrested Draper Thomas, 37, on domestic battery, resisting arrest and terroristic threatening charges in the 1100 block of South Lilly.
— Officers took a theft report (bicycle) in the 200 block of North First Street.
— Police took a criminal mischief report in the 1100 block of Holly. The offender allegedly struck the back of a car with a rake, causing a dent and broken taillight.
— Police took a harassment report in the 500 block of North 11th.
— Police investigated an assault at Great River Medical Center. The offender struck a security guard in the face.
— Officers arrested Rhonda Nelson, 35, on charges of possession of a controlled substance (meth), tampering with evidence and several traffic offenses.
— Police investigated a battery report in the 700 block of Clear Lake. The victim claims the offender stabbed her on her left arm, after telling her to “give him everything.” Nothing was stolen. The victim “appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics at the time I spoke to her,” according to the report.
— Officers took a criminal mischief report in the 1200 block of Julia. A small patio table was damaged.
— Police arrested James Spears, Jr., 34, on disorderly conduct charges in the 1600 block of Basin.
— Police took a theft report (hot tub and power saws) in the 900 block of South Lake.
— Officers investigated a battery report in the 300 block of Dougan. Officers arrested Larry Sutton, 50, who allegedly attacked the victim with a piece of copper tubing and a cane.
— Police took a terroristic threatening report in the 800 block of East Main.
— Officers took a disorderly conduct report in the 1300 block of East Ash.
— Police investigated a battery report in the 1700 block of Brawley.
— Police investigated a battery and theft report ($120) at Deerfield Inn on Kari Lane. The victim told police that he had the hotel room door propped open and was unloading clothes out of his truck. “When he turned around to get another load an unknown white female was standing in the doorway,” the report said. “(The victim) continued to state that the female asked for money to help her kids and sat in the chair that was holding open the door. (The victim) then told me that when he told her that he had nothing to give, the female then asked to use the restroom. (The victim) told me that he noticed his wallet missing from the table and confronted the female. (The victim) stated that when the female exited the bathroom he saw that his wallet was laying empty in the tub. (The victim) informed me that he had grabbed the female and demanded his money back. (The victim) continued to state that the female began to kick and scratch him until she threw some money down and was able to get away.” The victim sustained minor lacerations to his left forearm, which appeared to have been from being scratched, the report noted.
— Police investigated a domestic battery in the 1700 block of North 10th.
— Police investigated a burglary in t he 1000 block of Lilly. Two televisions were reported missing.
— Police took a criminal mischief report in the 800 block of East Main. The victim said his girlfriend damaged his tires, windshield, mirror and seats.
— Officers took a theft report (handgun) in the 100 block of East McHaney.
— Police took an interference with visitation report.
— Police investigated a domestic assault in the 200 block of East Davis.
— Police took a theft report (purse with $400 cash) in the 700 block of David.
— Police took a theft report ($2,000) in the 800 block of South Ruddle.
— Officers took a breaking or entering to a vehicle report in the 900 block of South Ruddle.
— Police arrested Jerry Tucker, 26, on charges of DWI at Division and Moore. Tucker told police that he was driving left of center because something was wrong with his front suspension. However, he apparently failed several field sobriety tests.