May 29, 2018

A drop-in reception was held Thursday afternoon, May 24, at the Manila High School auditorium for Superintendent Pam Castor. Mrs. Castor has served the Manila District as teacher, principal and superintendent for 39 years. Among the well wishers were teachers, retired teachers, school staff, family members, friends, superintendents from neighboring schools, members of the Nabholtz team, board members, and former board members...

Manila School Board president Jeremy Jackson presents Superintendent Pam Castor with plaque in appreciation of her years of service.
Manila School Board president Jeremy Jackson presents Superintendent Pam Castor with plaque in appreciation of her years of by Revis Blaylock

A drop-in reception was held Thursday afternoon, May 24, at the Manila High School auditorium for Superintendent Pam Castor. Mrs. Castor has served the Manila District as teacher, principal and superintendent for 39 years.

Among the well wishers were teachers, retired teachers, school staff, family members, friends, superintendents from neighboring schools, members of the Nabholtz team, board members, and former board members.

School Board President Jeremy Jackson welcomed everyone.

“On behalf of the board, faculty, staff, students, and patrons, I am honored to be able to present this plaque to Mrs. Castor for 39 years of service to the Manila School District,” Jackson said. “It is a symbol of gratitude for many things. This is representative of the leadership service for many roles including your commitment to staff development, improvements throughout the campus, and your commitment to student success. We will miss you.”

“I have loved every minute of it,” she said. “Like I tell my graduates each year, once a Lion, always a Lion.”

Mrs. Castor announced her plans to leave the superintendent's position at the end of the school year. She accepted a position as director of the Crowley's Ridge Educational Cooperative.
