May 29, 2018

Lake City Council heard an update from Harold Barker, chairman of the planning and zoning committee, at the regular meeting held May 21. He said there were four members present at the May 10 meeting. The vote was unanimous by the Committee to re-zone 408 feet of the frontal property across Highway 18, belonging to the Bowers family, from R1 to C1. No further action was needed at this time...

Lake City Council heard an update from Harold Barker, chairman of the planning and zoning committee, at the regular meeting held May 21. He said there were four members present at the May 10 meeting. The vote was unanimous by the Committee to re-zone 408 feet of the frontal property across Highway 18, belonging to the Bowers family, from R1 to C1. No further action was needed at this time.

Mayor Jon Milligan presented one bid to tear down the 25'x75' metal building with a wood frame at the old school. The bid was submitted by Kenneth Winford in the amount of $750.

The council voted unanmiously to allow Winford to tear down the building and keep the material with the number of days allowed to be determined.

Council members present included Tommy Eakins, Harold Barker, Brenda Hutcheson, Mike George, Tobby Rand and Danny Dunigan. Also in attendance was City Clerk Linda Simpson.

Mayor Milligan asked the council to give him permission to seek funding for a grant from Rural Services for turnouts for the fire department. The council voted unanimously to move forward with a grant application.

Mayor Milligan and the council expressed their appreciation to Daniel Haynes and all that participated in makiing the Springfest a huge success.

The next regular council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 18, at city hall.
