This week’s Positive Person is Jacquin Benson, Jr.
Shayla Adelowo nominated Benson for all the things he does to build a positive foundation for Blytheville youth.
Jacquin Benson, Jr. was born and raised in Blytheville to the parents of Thelma and Jacquin Benson, Sr. He graduated from Blytheville High School in 1995 and later graduated Cum Laude from Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO) with a degree in Criminal Justice. He was inducted into Gamma Beta Phi (Honor Society), Alpha Phi Sigma (National Criminal Justice Honor Society) and is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
Benson is co-director of Healing in the Hood, which is a volunteer mentor program. He believes this organization is set to be the change our community needs and wants to see.
He is also Director of H.O.T.E.P. (Helping Our Teens Elevate Potential). Through HOTEP, seniors and juniors may attend weekend trips to different universities that normally they might not have much information about, and it’s helping them to make much more informed decisions about their futures.
Benson is currently serving Mississippi County as the Drug Court counselor. Drug Court is a judicial intervention process that allows a first-time offender the chance to change his or her life for the better, rather than go to prison and live the rest of their lives with a felony record.
He is a kind-hearted individual who loves to see children succeed. His focus on community collaboration has led him to a number of volunteer opportunities and community leadership roles.
He always says, "I do nothing for self-recognition but I do everything for the glory of God. I can't help anyone without God helping me. Right On!”
He also famously writes, “We Got Action” on positive Facebook posts. Benson is an asset to the community and Blytheville Schools. He is well-respected, approachable, and a team player. He has made an immense difference in the lives of many students. He has an infectious enthusiasm and unyielding dedication to young people. He spends an enormous amount of time volunteering with youth organizations, all while listening to their concerns and encouraging them to discover their God-given talents and purposes.
Benson puts his full effort into everything he is involved in. He takes great pride in his work and has a keen love for people.
If you know someone who goes out of their way to make your town a positive town then contact me and let me help you say thank you to them by sharing their story of positivity.