May 23, 2018

Every May, the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), leads our nation's observance of Older Americans Month. The 2018 theme, Engage at Every Age, emphasizes that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also celebrates the many ways in which older adults make a difference in our communities...

County Judge Terri Brassfield
County Judge Terri Brassfield

Every May, the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), leads our nation's observance of Older Americans Month.

The 2018 theme, Engage at Every Age, emphasizes that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also celebrates the many ways in which older adults make a difference in our communities.

Mississippi County Judge Terri Brassfield declared by official proclamation observance of Older Americans Month.

Representatives of East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging and Blytheville Mayor James Sanders were on hand to witness the signing. Those attending from EAAAA were Melissa Prater, Christa Glaub, Trenisha Hendrix, Patricia Evans and Sherry Way.

“We live in an era that highlights health promotion and are constantly discovering the means, particularly preventive care, that can keep our elders in optimal wellness,” said Jacque McDaniel, executive director, EAAAA. “Being engaged is evidenced in both the active lifestyles and the drive to continue learning and doing among seniors as well as the interaction of younger generations with older persons. We’ve long recognized the wisdom offered by others.”

“According to our just-released 2017 Profile of Older Americans, one in seven Americans are 65 or older, and just two years from now, this fast-growing segment of the population will number more than 56 million people,” noted Lance Robertson, ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging. “In this increasingly diverse and vital group are treasured family members, expert craftspeople, skilled professionals, seasoned adventurers, and wise advisors. They are our connections to history, and our guides for the future.”
