Riverside Superintendent Jeff Priest reported he had received several compliments on the 2018 graduation held Sunday afternoon, May 6.
“I want to thank the Lake City Fire Department for helping with the parking; Mr. Zeigler (high school principal) and his students for helping with spreading of the mulch; and Mrs. Haas (senior sponsor) for all of her work,” Priest said. “With all we have had to deal with over the past two weeks, I think it went well.”
Brandi Wallace, district curriculum and federal programs coordinator, reviewed the school report card breakdown for the 2016-2017 school year recently released. She said the scores had improved from the year before.
“We did well ranking with the other schools,” she said.
She went on to say the test results show the areas they need to work on and she and the teachers have started working on lesson plans with an effort to bring the Bs up to As.
The high school received a C but was only two points from a B. East Elementary received a B and West Elementary scored a B.
Priest read a letter of resignation from Courtney Peters, EAST facilitator. She plans to return to college and further her education.
The board voted unanimously to accept her resignation.
Board members present included Lenn B. Nall, Greg Smith and Greg Douglas.
The board then accepted the resignation of Sharron Fletcher, cafeteria cook.
Priest recommended and the board voted 3-0 to hire Jordan Turbeville to teach junior high English. Alysa Fenner, English teacher, will be the EAST facilitator next year.
The board approved the move of Brenda Stotts, paraprofessional at west elementary, to the cafeteria.
Kayla Peaster was hired to fill the position of paraprofessional at west elementary.
Kara Kelton was hired as a paraprofessional on the east campus.
The board approved the special education proposed budget.
Following an executive session, the board voted unanimously to approve a $400 bonus for certified staff and a $200 bonus for classified staff.
Priest said the total cost would be $46,351.
Cole Peck, state representative candidate, was introduced to the board and administrators present. Peck spoke briefly sharing some of his ideas and goals for the area. He answered several questions from the group.
The next regular school board meeting will be 6 p.m. Monday, June 4.